Police Report. Lt. Johnson reported 13 crimes over the past month: 6 thefts from auto, 5 thefts, 1 motor vehicle theft and one burglary. The burglary occurred at Pearson’s on 9/9. It was burgled as part of the rampage that started at City Center and continued into Georgetown and north. Pearson’s door was smashed in and liquor and a cash register were taken. MPD is investigating but have not made any arrests yet although some property has been recovered. Commissioner Lavezzo asked for increased enforcement on Tunlaw Road above Calvert for speeding. In particular, there is a motorcyclist who loudly speeds on that street on a regular basis in the morning and again after around 9 PM. He also asked that stop sign enforcement be increased at 39th and Tunlaw and 42nd and Tunlaw. Lt. Johnson said he would let the traffic enforcement officers know to increase patrols.
Request from Glover House (Wisconsin at Whitehaven) for an exception to construction hours to allow paving repair overnight so as not to interrupt traffic for the British School and Trader Joe’s during the daytime hours. Jim Collins from DFM Development Services explained that his company is under contract with the Glover House to do stormwater management. The area that needs to be cleaned is the section of permeable pavement in the one-way driveway into the Trader Joe’s parking lot. The work is a requirement of the DC Department of Environment and requires power washing the pavers and then vacuuming out the excess water. The work takes about three to five hours. If the work is done after closing hours (e.g., 8 pm-1am), it will not be disruptive to Trader Joe’s or the British International School. A motion was made to approve the request. It was seconded and passed unanimously. Commissioner Blumenthal will send a letter of support to have the work done.
Request from Washington Gas to allow construction work in the W Street area of Glover Park from 7 am to 5 pm instead of regulation 9 am to 3 pm so that work can be completed in a shorter amount of time. Monica West, Director of Community Engagement for Washington Gas, and Frank Frost, construction manager, explained the need to extend the working hours. The work requires gas line replacement or transfer of 41 services on the southside of W street on between Huidekoper and 40th Street. If the hours are limited 9:30-3:30, the project is estimated to take 120 days (roughly six months). If the hours are extended to 8:00 to 5, the project is estimated to take 64 days (weather permitting) thus returning the street to full use in half the time. They plan to start the work at the end of September or early October. Washington Gas will work with the individual households involved. Gas will need to be turned off to each household being converted but they will do so one household at a time so multiple residences are not affected at one time. The work should take 1 to 1-1/2 days per household with the extended schedule rather than 3 days per household. Households will receive 15 days’ notice of the work to be done. A motion was made to approve the request. It was seconded and passed 6-0.
Request from Bonjon Rumi, a new Afghan restaurant at 2444 Wisconsin (formerly Mario’s), for approval of a full-service, full hours liquor license both inside and on the roof deck. The restaurant is amenable to an agreement for earlier closing hours on the roof deck. Hilal Rahim, the owner, spoke about her other restaurant properties and her plans for this new venture. Her counsel, Jeffrey Jackson, has also been in touch with Commissioner Blumenthal about setting ANC support for a liquor license. Although the restaurant and the roof deck will not be open passed 11 pm, their request is for a license with full hours (i.e., 2 am on weekdays and 3 am on weekends). To give the neighbors time to comment, Commissioner Blumenthal asked that a vote of support be delayed until the October 10th meeting (the ABCA deadline in October 12). It would also give Commissioner Blumenthal, Ms. Rahim and Mr. Jefferson time to draft a settlement agreement. Ms. Rahim agreed. An update and vote will be taken at the October 10th ANC 3B meeting.
Grant request from Friends of Guy Mason for upkeep of the garden area. Jeff Russell, President of the Friends of Guy Mason, presented a grant request for $2,500 to renovate and fully restore the Fragrance Garden at the Guy Mason Recreation Center. A motion was made to approve the grant. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
New Ward 3 MOCRS Manager. Hope Cousins introduced herself as the new Ward 3 manager from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCR). She can be contacted at hope.cousin1@dc.gov. The former manager, Matthew Barclay, has taken a new position with the DC Department of Parks and Recertation.
NEW DCPS Project Manager. E’Driana Berry introduced herself as the new DCPS project manager for the Stoddert Modernization Project. She may be contacted at EDriana.Berry@k12.dc.gov. Chris Jenkins, the previous manager, has taken a new job.
New 211 Line. You can now call 211, DC’s new Warm Line, for information about social services such as housing, utilities, food, clothing, child care resources, transportation, mental health and addiction recovery.