Be it resolved that in recognition of the special trust and faith placed in ANC Commissioners by the people of the District of Columbia, we affirm our support for the following “ANC Citizen Charter” and endorse the values it declares:
As elected members of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission, [we understand that] our fellow citizens and neighbors have granted us their trust and faith to serve the interests of the community. In return, we believe that each citizen has a right to expect each of us to always:
- Conduct ourselves in our office according to the highest standards of ethics and the law;
- Carry out our duties in an open and accountable manner so that our neighbors are aware of our activities and the reasons behind the decisions we make;
- Ensure that citizens have an opportunity to make their voice heard on issues of concern;
- Consider the best interests of our community, as well as our individual districts, when making decisions;
- Responsibly manage the taxpayers’ funds that have been entrusted to us.”
Published September 13, 2011
For the official bylaws of the Commission, see ANC3B Bylaws.