Section 1. The name of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3B (“the Commission” or “ANC3B”) shall be the “Glover Park – Cathedral Heights Advisory Neighborhood Commission” or ANC3B.” The Commission is established pursuant to Section 738 of the D.C. Self-government and Governmental Reorganization Act, Pub.L. 93-198, 87 Stat. 824, and D.C. Law 1-58, 22 D.C. Reg. 5453 (April 9, 1976).
Section 2. The boundaries of the Commission area are those established by DC Public Law 14-133. As of January 1, 2023, the approximate boundaries are as follows: located in NW Washington, DC, in Ward Three, starting at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Embassy Park Drive, southeast on the south side of Massachusetts Avenue by Glover Archbold Park to Macomb Street, south through the Park to the 4200 block of Cathedral Avenue, east on the southside of Cathedral Avenue to 39th Street, south on 39th Street to Fulton Street, east along Fulton Street to Wisconsin Avenue, south on the west side of Wisconsin Avenue to Calvert Street, east on the south side of Calvert Street to Observatory Circle, southeast on the west side of Observatory Circle to Whitehaven Parkway, west on the north side of Whitehaven Parkway to Wisconsin Avenue, northwest on the east side of Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street, south on the west side of 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway, west on the north side of Whitehaven Parkway, continuing past 37th Street along the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park to the Glover Archbold Trail in the western boundary of Glover Archbold Park, north in Glover Archbold Park (encompassing the area including the Glover Park Community Garden) to New Mexico Avenue, north on the east side of New Mexico Avenue to Embassy Park Drive, east on the south side of Embassy Park Drive to the intersection with Massachusetts Avenue.
Section 1. The Commission may advise the Council of the District of Columbia, the Mayor, each Executive Agency, and all independent agencies, boards, and commissions of the government of the District of Columbia with respect to all proposed matters of District governmental policy including but not limited to decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social service programs, education, health, safety, and sanitation that affect the Commission area or its constituents.
Section 2. Proposed District government actions upon which the Commission may comment include but shall not be limited to actions of the Council of the District of Columbia, the Executive Branch or any independent agency. The Commission may advise each agency, board, and commission regarding the award of any grant or funds to a citizen organization or group, the formulation of any final policy decision or guideline with respect to grant applications, comprehensive plans, requested or proposed zoning changes, variances, public improvements, licenses, or permits affecting said Commission area, the District budget and city government service delivery and the opening of any proposed facility.
Section 3. The Commission may present its views to entities including but not limited to any federal, regional, or District agency it deems appropriate.
Section 4. The Commission may initiate its own proposals for District, federal, regional or neighborhood government action.
Section 5. The Commission shall monitor complaints of Commission area residents with respect to the delivery of District government services and may forward concerns to the appropriate District government entity or entities.
Section 6. The Commission shall, upon receipt from the District Department of Buildings or the District Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection, review promptly the list of applications for construction and demolition permits within the boundaries of the Commission, reporting to constituents as appropriate.
Section 7. The Commission shall review in a timely manner applications for new and renewed liquor licenses and substantial changes to existing liquor licenses for establishments located in the Commission area or within 600 feet from a Commission boundary, about which the Commission receives formal notice. The Commission shall provide an opportunity for public comment and may consider a vote to support or oppose any application, in accordance with the regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA). The Commission may negotiate a Settlement Agreement with an applicant for a liquor license in the Commission area, for the benefit of the community, and may, in conjunction with Commission comments supporting the license application, may submit such an agreement to ABRA to attach to a new or renewed liquor license, in accordance with ABRA regulations.
Section 8. The Commission shall solicit public comments on renewal or approval of the Glover Park Liquor License Moratorium or any subsequent city program or plan governing liquor licenses in the Commission area and present timely recommendations to ABRA when ABRA is considering renewing or approving such program.
Section 9. The Commission shall review in a timely manner zoning applications for properties located in the Commission area, or properties located in close proximity to an ANC3B boundary line, about which the Commission receives formal notice. The Commission may file a formal position with the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) or the Zoning Commission (ZC), as appropriate, upon a vote of the Commission at a regular public meeting. If the Commission is notified of a zoning application by the owner(s) of a residential property in the Commission area, the Commissioner for the Single Member District (SMD) containing that property should request that the property owner(s) consult with all adjoining property owners for their views on the project and share the results with the Commissioner. On any zoning application for which the Commission proposes an official vote, the Commission shall provide an opportunity for public comment and may adopt a position to vote to support, support with conditions, or oppose any application, in accordance with District law and regulations. The Commission may negotiate a settlement agreement with a zoning applicant for the benefit of the community and may submit such an agreement to the BZA or ZC in conjunction with the Commission comments on the application, in accordance with District law and regulations.
Section 10. The Commission may award grants to entities proposing projects that benefit the community, consistent with grant guidelines established by the Commission, and in accordance with District of Columbia law and regulations. Grant guidelines shall be public documents and shall be available for public inspection on the ANC3B website.
Section 11. The Commission may, where appropriate, constitute the citizen advisory mechanism required by any federal statute.
Section 12. The Commission shall adopt an annual fiscal year spending plan for each fiscal year at or before the Commission’s public meeting immediately prior to the beginning of such fiscal year or within 60 days after notification of the amount of the Commission’s annual allotment of funds from the District government, whichever of those dates arrives later. The Commission shall discuss the proposed spending plan at a public meeting, take comments and questions on the plan, and take a formal vote to approve the plan, in accordance with District law and regulations.
Section 13. The Commission shall develop an annual report or newsletter for the community and publish it by December 1 each year. The report shall summarize the activities of the Commission in service to the community over the preceding 12 months, including key issues voted upon, comments submitted to District agencies, and grants issued.
Section 14. The Commission may carry out any other function as shall be provided or allowed by District law or regulation, consistent with duties and powers described in P.L. 93-198 and D.C. Law 1-21, as amended.
Section 1. The Commission shall be composed of those persons duly elected and certified by the D.C. Board of Elections to represent the Single Member Districts within the Commission’s boundaries.
Section 2. Each duly elected and certified Commissioner shall have one vote on matters proposed for action by the Commission.
Section 3. Commissioners shall be present at a meeting to vote. There shall be no absentee voting or voting by proxy.
Section 4. Vacancies on the Commission shall be filled in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia.
Section 5. The Commissioners shall serve without compensation; however, appropriate expenses may be reimbursed in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia and these bylaws.
Section 6. The views or recommendations of the Commission shall be presented only by its officers, Commissioners, or representatives appointed by the Commission at a public meeting to represent the Commission’s views on a particular matter.
Section 7. Any individual Commissioner may communicate his or her views on any issue to any government entity, provided, however, that unless such communication has been approved by the Commission as a whole by vote at a public meeting or reflects the views of the Commission as reflected in a formal vote of the Commission and the Commissioner has been designated to present those views, the Commissioner shall indicate in such communication that he or she is speaking as an individual Commissioner and not speaking for the Commission as a whole.
Section 8. Each Commissioner shall always have equal access to the resources of the Commission, including, but not limited to, all documents of the Commission (as defined in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure), Commission supplies and equipment, any office or storage space leased or purchased by the Commission, and all supplies, equipment, office or storage space provided to the Commission by the District government.
Section 1. At the first ANC3B public meeting of each calendar year, the Commission shall elect from among its members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers as may be determined to be necessary by vote of the Commission.
Section 2. A quorum for the election of officers shall be a majority of the duly elected Commissioners.
Section 3. For each election of officers, the Commission shall nominate a non-Commissioner to count ballots for officer positions and votes shall be made by secret ballot, unless the Commissioners approve the new officers by acclamation.
Section 4. In the transition between one calendar year and another, the Chairperson from the previous year or, if that is not possible, another officer who remains on the Commission for the new year or another member nominated by the Commissioners at the meeting shall convene the first public meeting of the year and announce the process for electing new officers.
Section 5. In a formal vote for Commission officers, each officer shall be elected by a simple majority of Commission members present and voting at the meeting. If there is not a simple majority vote for any candidate for a particular office, the winner shall be decided by a coin toss between the top two candidates for that office.
Section 6. The responsibilities of the officers shall be as follows:
- The Chairperson shall serve as convener of the Commission and lead the Commission meetings. Unless prevented by illness or absence, the Chairperson shall also prepare the proposed agenda for each public meeting, subject to consultation with the other Commissioners. The Chairperson may designate another officer or member of the Commission to carry out the Chairperson’s functions as necessary.
- The Vice-Chairperson shall fulfill the obligations of the Chairperson upon the absence, death, incapacitation, or resignation of the Chairperson.
- The Secretary shall ensure that appropriate minutes of Commission meetings are prepared and maintained, and that appropriate notice of Commission meetings is provided in accordance with District law and these bylaws. The Secretary shall also be responsible for ensuring that all official documents of the Commission are preserved and available for members and the public, the Commission website is maintained, and proposed meeting agendas and actions are shared with the community as required by District laws and regulations and these bylaws. The Secretary shall ensure that Commission meeting agendas, minutes, resolutions and other official statements or written recommendations to other District government entities are electronically transmitted to the Office of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (OANC) when they are issued or approved, and that official positions of the Commission are shared with the officials and organizations to whom they are addressed.
- The Treasurer shall ensure that the financial records of the Commission are prepared and maintained in accordance with District laws and regulations, and such records shall be reported to the relevant officials as required by District laws and regulations. The Treasurer shall maintain an up-to-date treasurer’s report for the most recent time period (month and/or quarter), which shall be available for any Commissioner or member of the public to review at each regular public Commission meeting.
- Other officers elected by the Commission shall fulfill the roles and responsibilities assigned to them when the Commission creates the position(s), as deemed necessary.
Section 7. No individual may simultaneously serve as both the Chairperson and Treasurer for the Commission.
Section 8. In the case of a vacancy in any office, the Commission shall elect a new officer at its next public meeting, in accordance with these bylaws governing officer elections.
Section 9. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Commissioners present and voting at a duly noticed special public meeting of the Commission, scheduled at the request of a majority of the Commissioners to seek the removal of the officer. Such request shall be submitted in writing or electronically to the Chairperson, including the cause(s) for the action, and shall be shared with all Commissioners at least 14 days in advance of the special meeting. Public notice and procedures for the special meeting shall follow all District laws and regulations for conduct of Commission meetings and votes, as well as these bylaws.
Section 10. The officers assigned the responsibility for preparation of all official documents of the Commission, including minutes and financial records, shall have the primary responsibility for maintaining and preserving such documents, assisted by other Commissioners or staff as the Chairperson or the relevant officer deems appropriate.
Section 11. Before each public meeting of the Commission, the officers responsible for preparation of documents such as the proposed agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, financial reports, grant requests, proposed resolutions or other documents to be considered for approval at the meeting shall ensure that all the Commissioners are provided with the relevant documents in advance of the meeting. Such information may be provided electronically.
Section 12. When an officer is leaving the Commission or will no longer be serving in the same office, the officer shall ensure that all official documents and records for which he or she is responsible are made available to the new Commissioners when they take office. The outgoing Secretary shall ensure that the new Commissioners have draft minutes of the previous meeting or complete notes covering all the required elements of ANC meeting minutes, and access to all other official documents of the Commission. The outgoing Treasurer shall ensure that the new Commissioners have a draft monthly financial report for the most recent month and the new Treasurer has the information necessary to access the Commission’s accounts, prepare the next required quarterly financial report for the quarter, and maintain all financial records for the Commission.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the conduct of Commission public meetings in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Commission may adopt.
Section 1. Commission meetings shall be open to the public, in accordance with the open meetings provisions of section 742 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 831; D.C. Official Code § 1-207.42). No meeting may be closed to the public unless personnel or legal matters are being discussed.
Section 2. The Commission may take no official action unless a quorum of the members of the Commission is present, notice is properly given, and the meeting is open to the public.
Section 3. A quorum consists of the majority of elected Commission members; however, there cannot be a quorum unless the majority of the SMDs have Commissioners certified and serving in office at the time.
Section 4. The Commission shall hold public meetings at regular intervals, generally each month except August, and in any case not less than nine times a year.
Section 5. The Commission shall publish notice of each of its public meetings no fewer than seven calendar days before the date of the meeting, except in case of an emergency or other good cause articulated in the notice. Notice shall include the date, time, and location of the meeting. Notice must be provided by at least two methods that reach each SMD in the Commission area, including a) posting on the ANC3B web site; b) e-mail to the ANC3B mailing list, c) postings on neighborhood listservs; and d) social media.
Section 6. The Commission may call a special public meeting at the request of two or more Commissioners, submitted to the Chairperson in writing or electronically, or by vote of the Commission at a regular public meeting. The purpose of each special meeting shall be stated in the request and no other topic(s) may be acted upon at that meeting. The Commission shall provide advance notice to the community of any special meetings, following the procedures for notice of regular public meetings, in accordance with District laws and regulations and these bylaws.
Section 7. In case of inclement weather or other circumstances that would create severe obstacles for the Commissioners or members of the community to participate in a scheduled public meeting of the Commission, the meeting may be canceled by the Chairperson or, if the Chairperson is absent or incapacitated, the Vice-Chairperson. The Commission shall give notice to the community of the cancellation of any public meeting as soon as practicable, and shall also give notice of the date, time, and location of a rescheduled meeting, if any, as soon as possible after the Commission identifies the new schedule, in accordance with District laws and regulations and these bylaws.
Section 8. No fewer than seven calendar days before each of its regular public meetings, the Commission shall publish a draft agenda for the meeting on any website the Commission maintains and other means as deemed appropriate and shall transmit the draft agenda electronically to the OANC.
Section 9. To the extent possible, the Commission should provide in advance a copy of the draft proposed agenda of the next public meeting to any individual or entity whose property or business is on the proposed agenda as the subject of discussion or official action by the Commission. In accordance with District law, such individual or entity may notify the Commission in writing that the individual or entity wishes to be directly contacted upon the placement of the property or business on a published draft agenda, and of the preferred method of contact. Once so notified, the Commission shall make a good-faith attempt to contact the notifying individual or entity in a timely manner, using the preferred method of contact specified, upon adding to a published draft agenda any matter directly pertaining to the property or business of the individual or entity.
Section 10. The agenda for each public meeting of the Commission, including any proposed amendments to the agenda posted in advance or presented at the meeting, shall be subject to approval by a majority vote of the Commission at the beginning of the meeting. No agenda shall be considered official until it is adopted by formal vote of the Commission.
Section 11. Any Commissioner may request that an item be put on the agenda for a public meeting.
Section 12. No vote may be taken on any issue that has not appeared on a posted agenda, except with the consent of two thirds of the Commissioners present and voting at the public meeting when the issue is proposed for discussion.
Section 13. The Chairperson shall preside over the Commission’s public meetings or, in case of his or her absence or inability to lead the meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside as acting Chairperson. If neither of those two officers can fulfill that responsibility, another Commissioner designated by the Chairperson shall preside as acting Chairperson.
Section 14. The Chairperson or acting Chairperson may rule on procedural questions at a public meeting, and such rulings may be overturned by a majority vote of the Commission.
Section 15. For the Commission to address effectively the needs of the community, the Commission shall have an “open forum” at each regular public meeting to allow residents of the community to share concerns, express views, and pose questions. Residents shall also be invited to ask questions of presenters as time permits.
Section 16. The procedure for presentations at a public meeting shall be as follows:
- Presenters shall state their name, organization, the purpose of the presentation and what action is being requested of the Commission;
- The Chairperson shall recognize members of the Commission for questions. Each member of the Commission may be limited to one question, and then, if time permits, the Chairperson may call for additional rounds of questions from the Commissioners;
- The Chairperson shall recognize members of the audience for questions. Each member of the audience wishing to ask a question shall state his or her name and address before introducing the question. Each member of the audience may be limited to one question to allow time for others to ask questions.
Section 17. Residents’ views should be considered in positions taken by the Commission.
Section 18. To go into effect, Commission actions shall be approved by a simple majority of those Commission members present and voting at a duly noticed public meeting, except as otherwise provided herein.
Section 19. Except as otherwise provided herein, in the case of a tie vote of the Commission, a motion for Commission action shall fail.
Section 20. At its first public meeting of each calendar year, the Commission shall adopt by formal vote a schedule of regular Commission meetings for the remainder of the calendar year and publish the proposed schedule on the ANC3B website.
Section 21. The Commission may host “town meetings” in accordance with District law and regulations.
Section 1. Members responsible for regular or monthly reports or proposed resolutions or other documents for the Commission to consider at a public meeting should provide those documents to all other members prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Copies of all documents approved by the Commission at a public meeting and correspondence, or other statements signed or submitted by a member on behalf of the Commission should be submitted promptly to the Secretary and to any other individual designated to maintain such documents or post them on the ANC3B website.
Section 3. All mail received by the Commission, either at the official mailing address or electronically, that relates to matters that may come before the Commission, are proposed for Commission action, or have been raised with the Commission at a public meeting should be circulated by the recipient of such mail to all Commissioners within the week after receipt if possible or in any case before the next Commission meeting if practicable.
Section 4. All correspondence delivered to the Chairperson at a home address or electronically, or delivered to any other member of the Commission at a home address or electronically, in their capacity as members of the Commission, shall be distributed to all other members of the Commission as soon as practicable, if the correspondence relates to issues that have come before the Commission or are likely to be of interest or importance to the Commission as a whole, within the Commissioners’ official responsibilities.
Section 5. When the Commission votes to approve a resolution, letter or other official statement that deals with a specific property or properties in the Commission area, to the extent practicable the Commission shall provide a copy of such document(s) to the resident(s) or business(es) that occupy the property or, if the property is not occupied by the owner(s), shall make a good faith effort to provide a copy to the owners, making use of any contact information submitted to the Commission under Article VI Section 9 of these bylaws.
Section 6. At each public meeting of the Commission, the Secretary shall ensure that copies of the proposed agenda and other relevant items are available to members of the public attending the meeting.
Section 7. All documents produced or copied in the Commission office, if applicable or using ANC3B equipment, if applicable and/or prepared by Commissioners or ANC3B staff (temporary or permanent), if applicable as official documents of the Commission, or where any portion of the production or distribution of the documents was paid for or reimbursed by ANC3B funds or accounts, shall be deemed public documents, unless exempt under DC FOIA, and a copy of such must be retained by the Commission and/or posted on the ANC3B website at all times. Upon request, a copy of any such document shall also be provided to a member of the public. The cost of copying all requested documents shall be borne by the requester.
Section 8. The Commission shall maintain a public website, which shall include information on meeting schedules, draft agendas for upcoming meetings, a list of the Commissioners with contact information for each Commissioner, ANC3B bylaws and grant guidelines, and copies of approved minutes, resolutions, quarterly financial reports, and any other official public documents.
Section 1. The minutes of the Commission’s public meetings shall record, at minimum, the Commissioners present; the time the meeting was convened; the agenda topics addressed at the meeting and a summary of discussion of these topics; the resolutions adopted, defeated, or tabled and actions taken, with a record of the vote distribution if applicable; and the time that the meeting was adjourned.
Section 2. Resolutions, letters, financial reports, minutes, and other statements approved by the Commission shall be public documents and shall be available for public inspection on the ANC3B website.
Section 3. Only resolutions, motions, and grants passed by vote of the Commission at a duly noticed public meeting at which a quorum of the members is present can and will constitute the official position of the Commission.
Section 4. ANC letterhead may be used for the following purposes: letters that support the normal business of the Commission, such as invitations, or queries on behalf of the Commission; responses to administrative issues; cover letters or statements conveying the official position of the Commission, as adopted by formal resolution or motion of the Commission at a public meeting; correspondence by any member of the Commission on behalf of the ANC3B community, as long as the Commissioner clearly states when he or she is conveying an official position of the Commission, when he or she is stating a minority opinion, and when he or she is conducting business for his or her SMD.
Section 5. The Chairperson shall not sign any letter regarding actions taken by the Commission or testify while identifying himself or herself as Chairperson unless the action has been approved by the Commission at a public meeting or unless the Chairperson clearly indicates in any such letter or testimony that the action or testimony has not been approved by the Commission as a whole.
Section 6. If a Commissioner communicates any views other than the official positions that have been approved by formal vote of the Commission, in oral or written testimony or other statements submitted to District government agencies, local, regional or federal organizations or media, the Commissioner shall declare such statements are his or her own views as an individual, not the position of the Commission as a whole.
Section 1. The Treasurer shall prepare, and the Commission shall approve a quarterly financial report within 45 days of the close of each fiscal quarter. These reports shall be public documents and shall be available for public inspection on the ANC3B website. Each quarterly report signed by the Treasurer and the Chairperson of the Commission and attested to by the Secretary as having been approved by the Commission shall be filed with the OANC within 15 days of approval by the Commission.
Section 2. Every expenditure of funds by the Commission, except those approved in the annual spending plan, shall be approved by the Commission at a public meeting, authorized in writing by the Treasurer, and recorded in the Commission’s books of accounts.
Section 3. The Commission may establish a petty cash fund, with distributions to Commissioners from such fund to be conducted by the Treasurer based upon rules established by vote of the Commission at a public meeting.
Section 4. The signature of two officers, at least one of whom is Chairperson or Treasurer, shall be required on every draft or order drawn on the Commission’s depository account.
Section 5. By vote of a majority of members, the Commission shall designate one or more financial institutions within the District of Columbia as depositories of Commission funds.
Section 1. All funds, resources, supplies, and equipment acquired by the Commission may be used only for official Commission business.
Section 2. By vote of a majority of members, the Commission shall, as necessary, designate the custodian of equipment purchased and/or used by or in the possession of the Commission that is the property of the District of Columbia, and where such equipment shall be stored.
Section 3. The Commission may approve by vote at a public meeting the rental or use of office space for conduct of Commission business. Commission funds may be used for such purposes.
Section 4. Each Commissioner shall always have equal access to the resources of the Commission, including, but not limited to, all official documents of the Commission, supplies, equipment, office or storage space designated for use by the Commission.
Section 1. The Commission may hire employees to assist with official business as necessary.
Section 2. The Commission shall approve by vote at a public meeting any use of funds to pay employees and any hiring decisions.
Section 3. All employees of the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission.
Section 4. The Commission shall establish by vote at a public meeting the position descriptions and pay levels for any employees of ANC3B.
Section 5. Persons hired by the Commission shall meet the qualifications established in the job descriptions.
Section 6. The employees of the Commission may be hired on a full-time or a part-time basis.
Section 1. The Commission may create standing and special committees and task forces in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia. Each Commissioner shall be an ex-officio member of each committee, with the right to participate and vote in its deliberations.
Section 2. In accordance with District law, the chairmanship of each committee or task force shall be open to any resident of the Commission area.
Section 3. Each committee or task force may adopt rules of procedure and practice under which it shall operate.
Section 4. Committee or task force recommendations for Commission action shall be placed on the agenda for the first public meeting of the Commission after the recommendations have been adopted, if requested by the committee or task force.
Section 5. Committees and task forces of a Commission shall be advisory only. A Commission shall not delegate official decision-making authority to any committee or task force.
Section 6. Each committee of a Commission shall be subject to the open meetings provisions of section 742 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 831; D.C. Official Code § 1-207.42). No meeting may be closed to the public unless personnel or legal matters are discussed.
Section 1. The Commission will provide an up-to-date copy of the bylaws, including all approved amendments, to the DC Council and the OANC within thirty (30) days of any amendment to the bylaws.
Section 2. Revision of these bylaws shall only be made after at least two weeks prior notice to each Commission member of the proposed modifications, deletions, or additions to the bylaws. At least two thirds of the duly elected Commissioners present, and voting must approve bylaw amendments for the proposed changes to go into effect.
Section 3. The approved bylaws shall be a public document.
Section 4. Any amendments or revised bylaws adopted in accordance with the above provisions and District law and regulations shall be posted on the ANC3B website within five (5) days after the public meeting at which they are approved by the Commission.
Section 1. These bylaws are established under the laws of the District of Columbia and are required to be consistent with all Federal and local laws and regulations. Any provisions that are inconsistent with Federal and local laws and regulations shall be null and void.