Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3B serving Glover Park and Cathedral Heights (“ANC3B” or “the Commission”) holds public meetings open to every member of the community where the Commissioners lead discussions affecting the area, share information, and adopt policy recommendations to city decision-makers, as the District’s Home Rule Charter mandates. The Commission has five members, each representing about 2,000 residents in the community. ANC3B meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of every month except August at Stoddert Elementary School and Glover Park Community Center, unless otherwise announced. The schedule of ANC public meetings is published at the beginning of each calendar year and posted on the ANC3B website along with the proposed agenda for the next meeting, which is shared at least a week in advance via the website, ANC email list, and local listservs. The Commission invites residents to suggest agenda items for future public meetings. Each public meeting includes time for “Open Forum” in which anyone can raise issues, comments or questions.
ANC3B reports to the community about each of its public meetings, posting a meeting summary on the home page of the ANC3B website, which is also published in the Glover Park Gazette, and sharing the detailed minutes from each meeting on the website after they are approved. Copies of official resolutions are also posted on the website along with quarterly financial reports, the ANC annual budget, the by-laws governing the ANC operations, as well as grants and guidelines for making grants.
Day to day, the five ANC3B Commissioners also consult with constituents, participate in local and city-wide meetings on issues affecting the Commission area, share information with local residents and businesses, answer questions and help resolve concerns.
The Commission places special emphasis on making information available about city programs and services, through presentations at meetings and online. The Commissioners also monitor developments citywide, notably in policies, regulations, and legislation that would affect the local area. If a particular action represents special benefits or harms to the community, the Commission takes up the issue at a public meeting, votes on an official position, and shares that position with the appropriate officials. By law, the Mayor and executive agencies are required to give “great weight” to ANC comments on final policy decisions, and the DC Council provides longer time to hear from ANC representatives when they testify on legislation and policy matters. ANC3B is known for being an active Commission on public issues and the Commissioners frequently present testimony at hearings on matters important to the area.
This year several Commissioner represented ANC3B in a roundtable led by Councilmember Robert White, to report on ANC operations and recommend improvements in ANC funding, communications, support services and training, as well as the attention city agencies give to ANC recommendations.
In the past year, the Commission has paid particular attention to transportation, notably the condition of streets and sidewalks and safety for pedestrians and motorists. The ANC has given special emphasis to improving safety at areas of urgent concern, including Cathedral Avenue between 39th Street and Glover-Archbold Park, Wisconsin Avenue highlighting the intersections with Calvert, Fulton and Garfield Street, and Tunlaw Road. In September 2019, the ANC’s requests for improvements in those areas were adopted as recommendations in the Department of Transportation (DDOT) Livability Study Rock Creek Far West.
The Commission invites the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Second District to attend each ANC meeting to present local crime statistics and discuss public safety issues of interest in the Commission area, including reported incidents, arrests, and traffic safety. At the Commission’s request, MPD increased patrols in areas with rising thefts from autos and reports of speeding or other traffic violations.
This year one of the most important achievements for the neighborhood served by ANC3B was the creation of a Main Street program in Glover Park, following on the panel discussion organized by Vice Chairman Jackie Blumenthal in May 2018 to discuss options for improving the Glover Park commercial area, including attracting new businesses to fill vacancies, increasing amenities, and maintaining the attraction of the area for households and businesses. The discussion led to an outpouring of interest by residents and businesses, volunteer-led booths at Glover Park Day, and ultimately formation of a new non-profit, the Glover Park Alliance, which applied to the city to manage the Main Street program in Glover Park, In October 2019 the group was awarded the initial grant to launch the program in FY2020, and it hired an Executive Director in November and began to work to reach out to residents and businesses, organize activities and volunteers, and raise additional funds in the interest of energizing the community and improving and strengthening the commercial area
Between December 1, 2018, and November 30, 2019, the Commission voted to approve 21 official statements including 8 letters and resolutions to the Council and other city officials advising them on proposed policies and legislation, and 13 resolutions sharing with city agencies the ANC’s official position on local requests such as liquor license applications, zoning applications, support for community activities such as the 30th Annual Glover Park Day, renewal of the grant for the Glover Park Clean Team, and a proposed outdoor art project in the area. The Commission receives notices of all applications for liquor licenses and zoning cases in the ANC3B area, as well as public space permits, building permits, and raze permits. The Commission generally asks applicants for liquor licenses or zoning permission to gather comments from adjoining property owners and make a presentation at an ANC public meeting about the proposed application if the case raises opposition or poses any significant public issues.
Over the past 12 months, the Commission also heard 22 informational presentations, including several from property owners and developers talking about their proposed projects as well as the leaders from the organization Changing Perceptions/Clean Decisions who manage the Glover Park Clean Team which cleans sidewalks and tree boxes and helps clear snow in the Glover Park commercial area, through an annual grant from the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. ANC3B also had 17 presentation and discussions with District officials and organizations on their policies and programs, including Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh, representatives of city agencies such as MPD, DDOT, DPW, Office on Aging (now the Department on Aging and Community Living), Office of Planning, Office of Campaign Finance, DC Water and the Office of People’s Counsel, the Ward 3 representative on the Board of Education, and the Deputy Mayor on Education. Several private organizations also made presentations, including Pepco and Community Mediation DC.
The city provided ANC3B with $11,700 in quarterly allotments of $2,930.71 for FY2019 (ending September 30, 2019). The DC Council increased the quarterly allotment for ANC3B to $3,455.05 for FY2020, beginning October 1, 2019. The Commission does not have an office or administrative staff so it has only small administrative expenses for supporting the website and purchasing basic supplies, and uses the rest of its funds for grants to non-profit organizations for projects that benefit the community. The ANC invites non-profits to apply for grants of up to $2,500 per organization within a single fiscal year.
During the 12-month reporting period, the Commission approved 6 grants totaling $12,384.25 to groups including Iona Senior Services, Friendship Place, the Glover Park Alliance, Community Foodworks that manages the Glover Park-Burleith Farmers’ Market, and the innovative DC Food Project that is working to improve nutrition for public school students through a “share table” at lunch and a program providing food bags to food-insecure students’ families for weekends.
Below is a more detailed list of activities and actions by ANC3B during this reporting period.
A. ANC VOTES (at public meetings December 1, 2018-November 30, 2019)
1. Grants to Community Organizations
DC Food Project, $1,505 for supplies to support share tables and weekend food bags at Stoddert and other schools (4/19)
Friendship Place, $2,500 for AimHire program to purchase “TracFones” and SmarTrip cards for formerly homeless individuals to use in applying for employment, getting to interviews and to their jobs, and being able to keep up communication with employers in case of emergencies once they begin to work (4/19)
Glover Park Alliance, $2,500 for a consultant to guide the new non-profit organization through the process of applying for a grant from the city to launch a Main Street program to improve the Glover Park commercial area (6/19)
Community Foodworks, managers of the Glover Park-Burleith Farmer’s Market, $2,549.25 for two new canopy tents, 10 folding chairs, flyers, signage, stickers, and reusable tote bags for the market and marketgoers (7/19)
Iona Senior Services, $830 for a laptop designated for use in the second floor conference room at Iona’s center in Tenleytown, to support meetings, workshops, and training (10/19)
Glover Park Alliance, $2,500 for purchase of a laptop, iPad, and software to launch the new Glover Park Main Street (11/19)
2. Measures to Support Community Activities
Letter to DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Supporting 30th annual “Glover Park Day” on June 1 (3/19)
Letter to DC Department of Parks and Recreation Supporting Shredding-Recycling Day at Guy Mason on April 27 (3/19)
Resolution Supporting Wingo’s Request to Amend to the Voluntary Agreement with ANC3B at 2218 Wisconsin Avenue and Extend Hours to 3 am (3/19)
Resolution on Potential Application for a Liquor License at 2300 Wisconsin (former Starbucks) (3/19)
Letter to DC Office of Zoning Supporting Request for Variance at 3764 Benton Street NW (6/19)
Letter to DC Office of Zoning Supporting Request for Variance at 2103 Huidekoper Place NW (7/19)
Resolution Supporting Request for a Stipulated Liquor License for Laliguras Indian and Nepali Bistro at 2332 Wisconsin Avenue NW (7/19)
Letter to DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities supporting proposed application by local weaver Janel Leppin for a Public Art Building Communities Grant to fund a large outdoor art project in the Glover Park commercial area, after design review, public presentation and comments by residents (7/19)
Letter to DDOT Supporting DDOT’s Notice of Intent NOI #19-211-TOA for Restoration of AM Rush Hour Parking on East Side of Wisconsin Avenue between Whitehaven and Calvert Streets (9/19)
Resolution Supporting Glover Park Hotel Plans for Roof Deck (9/19)
Letter to the Mayor and DC Council Asking for Reconsideration of DPR’s Agreement to 10-year Extension of Maret School Use of Playing Field at Jelleff Recreation Center (9/19)
Letter to DDOT Supporting Final Recommendations in Livability Study Rock Creek Far West (9/19)
Resolution Supporting Request for a Stipulated Liquor License for Dumplings and Beyond restaurant at 2400 Wisconsin Avenue NW (11/19)
3. Letters and Resolutions on Policy Matters
Letter to Mayor on Budget Priorities for FY2020 supporting funding for affordable housing, food and nutrition programs, housing and daytime centers for individuals experiencing homelessness, mental health services including more psychiatric beds and other treatment options, improved recreation and community centers, continued pilot satellite wellness program in Wards 2 and 3, continued per pupil spending for public schools, expedited repair and rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks, additional Main Street programs including in Glover Park commercial area, and improved local transit to underserved communities including ANC3B (2/19)
Letter to DDOT Public Space Committee Requesting Changes to Proposed Design Guidelines for Small Cell Technology (3/19)
Letter to DC Council Supporting Maintaining Per-Pupil School Funding and Allowing for Future Use of Old Hardy School by DC Public Schools (5/19)
Letter to Zoning Commission Opposing Text Amendment to Voluntary Design Review Process to allow developers to use the process to get approval not only for design options but also increased density (7/19)
Letter to DC Council Opposing B23-0180 On-Site Services Act that would require an apartment building with over 20 units and over 30% voucher recipients to provide office space and employ social workers to counsel residents (7/19)
Letter to DC Council Opposing B23-0318 Decriminalizing Institutions of Sex Trade (10/19)
Letter to DC Council Supporting B23-0245 Extending “Great Weight” to ANC Comments on Comprehensive Plan (10/19)
Letter to DDOT on Improving Regulations for Electric Bike and Scooter Programs (10/19)
1. Presentations on Community Activities and Development Plans
Presentation by Will Avila and Charlie Curtis of Changing Perceptions/Clean Decisions, the organization that has been selected as the Glover Park Clean Team for the past two years, cleaning sidewalks, maintaining tree boxes, and clearing snow in the commercial area on Wisconsin Avenue employing returning citizens, under a grant from the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), which they were seeking to renew, with support from ANC3B (6/19)
Presentation by Will Thomas, owner of Bourbon at 2348 Wisconsin Avenue, about changes he was seeking to the liquor license to allow outdoor alcohol service on balconies and roof decks at that location, as part of his proposal to reconstruct the building as a restaurant and bar under the name Rosebud (6/19)
Presentation on plans for redevelopment of the Georgetown Carpet building at 2208-2212 Wisconsin Avenue by Abdo Roffe of Coba Properties. Plans include an underground garage and a four-stories above ground, with retail space on the first floor and three floors of market-rate rental apartments (6 studios, 6 two-bedroom units, and 24 one-bedroom units for a total of 36 units). (9/19)
2. Updates and Information presented by ANC3B Commissioners
Commissioners Blumenthal and Lane reported on the progress of efforts to improve the vitality of the Glover Park commercial area, including formation of the Glover Park Alliance ,a booth at Glover Park Day to draw attention to their work, Councilmember Cheh’s support for including funding for launching a Main Street program in Glover Park in the District’s FY2020 budget, and the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development decision to award the Glover Park Alliance the contract to manage the new Main Street program.
Commissioners Young and Mladinov reported on the progress of DDOT’s Livability Study in Rock Creek Far West, including all of ANC3B, including three community workshops, several pop-ups, online comment page online, and other initiatives to gather public input. The ANC also took comments from ANC3B constituents, shared the Commission’s concerns and comments, and shared the Livability team’s interim and final recommendations.
Commissioners reported on the March 11 public forum on homelessness in Ward 3 convened by Councilmembers Brianne Nadeau and Mary Cheh at the request of ANC3B. The forum drew several hundred local residents to the University of the District of Columbia Van Ness campus for the presentations by a panel of city officials and other experts on homeless issues, who also took questions submitted by other participants.
Commissioner Mladinov reported on the April 2 symposium sponsored by Friendship Place on progress and prospects for achieving the District’s Homeward DC goals for reducing or eliminating homelessness.
Commissioner Young reported on the May 6 roundtable about Fair Housing held at the Cleveland Park Library, as part of the analysis DHCD conducted in conjunction with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and the Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) in the District. Subjects included discrimination, segregation, equal access to affordable and safe homes, access to transit, access to good schools and healthy neighborhoods, and issues faced by voucher holders and residents in public housing.
Commissioner Mladinov reported on the DDOT Public Space Committee’s March 21 hearing to take comments on the Proposed Design Guidelines for Small Cell Technology (“5G”), and later summarized the changes the committee voted to make in the guidelines it committee approved, reducing the number of allowable small cell installations and poles per block. The committee provided for an expert group to be convened to develop standards for the appearance of poles that could be used in historic districts and the National Mall and areas where streetscape and vistas are of national significance.
Commissioner Mladinov reported on the new DC Water and DC Department of Energy and Environment programs for reducing the costs to District residents for the Clean Rivers project, to reduce sewage outflow into the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. Many residents and consumer advocates had expressed concerns about increasing water bills due to the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charges (CRIAC) fees to pay for the project.
Commissioner Blumenthal reported on the proposal by Petra Development to construct a building on the former Pearson’s parking lot at 2430 Wisconsin Avenue to house offices for the company on the first floor and 27 affordable apartments for workers such as teachers and public servants who meet certain income standards.
3. Presentations by Representatives of the DC Council
Discussion with Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh on legislative initiatives and policy priorities, including her Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018 adopted by the Council, establishing a target of using 100% renewable electricity in the District and reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2032 (12/18)
Presentation by Cole Wogoman, Legislative Counsel and Liaison to ANC3B for Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh, on regulation of small cell (5G) technology (1/19) and proposed bills on transportation safety, including proposals to increase enforcement of parking rules, the Mandatory Protected Bike Lane bill, and Vision Zero Omnibus Act aiming to support the goal of eliminating fatalities and serious injuries to pedestrian and other travelers in the District transportation system by 2024 (6/19)
Discussion on B23-0127, “Second Look Amendment Act of 2019” with Councilmember Mary Cheh, Renata Cooper, Special Counsel for Policy and Legislative Affairs, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District, and Judiciary Committee Staff Director Kate Mitchell. The bill would allow a judge to release an individual from prison if the individual had served at least 15 years of a sentence, committed the crime at 25 or younger, and met other conditions such as behavior and rehabilitation. (10/19)
Discussion of Legislative Developments and Priorities with DC Council Chair Phil Mendelson, including policies on education, housing, homelessness, and draft amendments to DC Comprehensive Plan (11/19)
4. Presentations by DC Executive Agencies, Boards, and other official groups
Presentation by Department of Public Works (DPW) Community Relations Specialist Celeste Duffie on DPW programs for leaf collection, holiday greens, and snowplowing and snow clearance (12/18)
Discussion with Duncan Bedlion, new Commander of MPD Second District, about his priorities in preventing and solving crimes, local crime trends, as well as traffic safety (2/19)
Presentation by contractor to the DC Department of Transportation, Theo Good of Public Engagement Associates, about DDOT’s plans for the Livability Study for Rock Creek Far West, focusing on traffic safety improvements in the area, starting with a community workshop on February 26 to get input on residents’ concerns and recommendations (2/19)
Presentation by Alice Thompson of the DC Office on Aging about its transition to the Department of Aging and Community Living, and new programs and services including Safe-at-Home providing free safety improvements to seniors to help them continue living in their homes safely (2/19)
Discussion with DDOT representatives about Commissioners’ and residents’ requests for DDOT services in ANC3B, focused on street and sidewalk repairs and safety improvements, with DDOT liaison Donise Jackson of the Community Engagement Office; DDOT Chief Performance Officer John Thomas in charge of new systems for tracking and responding to 311 requests for DDOT services; and Ted Van Houten, DDOT’s Project Manager for DDOT’s Livability Study Far West (3/19)
Presentation by Polly Donaldson, Director of DC Department on Housing and Community Development, about the Mayor’s Proposed FY2020 Budget (4/19)
Presentation by local DPW Inspector Jacqueline Brooks about the changes in DPW policies on residential recycling, including the ban on placing any plastic bags or plastic film in residential recycling bins for DPW pick-up, a new campaign to spread that information with post cards and hangtags at front doors, as well as DPW’s recent efforts to get CVS to keep the sidewalks clear at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Hall Place (4/19)
Panel Discussion of Funding for Local Public Schools moderated by Chairman Turmail with speakers Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3 member of the State Board of Education; Paul Kihn, Deputy Mayor for Education; Marty Wells, Vice President of Hardy Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO); and Jorge Highland, Member of the Stoddert Elementary School PTO and Local School Advisory Team, talking about school funding and capacity challenges including potential use of Old Hardy School (5/19)
Presentation by DC Office of Campaign Finance on the District’s new Fair Elections/ Public Finance Program, which provides start-up funds and 5:1 match for donations to each candidate running for city office (other than ANC Commissioner) if the candidate agrees to accept only small individual campaign contributions. (10/19)
Presentation by Stephen Marencic, Consumer Outreach Specialist for the DC Office of People’s Counsel (OPC), on OPC’s new responsibilities to conduct investigations and assist ratepayers with questions and about DC Water rates and services, in addition to rates and services of private utility companies (9/19)
Presentation by DC Water representative John Deignan on its new program for Lead Line Replacement, making funds available to help households cover the cost of replacing lead water lines on their property, where DC Water has replaced the connecting service lines on public property. DC Water will pay 50% of the costs of the work on private property for residents of all income levels and up to 80% or 100% of the costs if the household income is below specified levels (to a maximum of $2,500 total). DC Water itself pays the cost of replacing lead service lines in public space. DC Water has removed lead water mains from operation in the District but will pay to replace lead service lines that connect to any water mains that are being repaired or replaced in coming years. DC Water will also help residents identify whether they have lead service lines and perform tests to identify if a resident’s water contains excess lead. (10/19)
Presentation by Andrew Trueblood, Director, DC Office of Planning, about the full draft amendments to the District Comprehensive Plan issued on October 15 for public review and comment, after the DC Council approved the Framework Element of the updated plan on October 8. The new draft includes updates to all the remaining sections of the plan, including chapters covering individual geographic areas of the city as well as program areas such as housing and sustainability. (11/19)
5. Presentations by Other Organizations
Presentation by Lauren Javins, local resident and volunteer with training as a mediator, about the free mediation services now being offered in the District to individuals and organizations, through the non-profit Community Mediation DC (7/19)
Presentation by Marc Battle, Pepco Region Vice President for Government and External Affairs, about Pepco’s proposed $162 million rate increase over the next three years and changes in the approach the DC Public Service Commission (PSC) takes to review and regulate rates, including multi-year rate increases to cover projected costs rather than costs already incurred and verified, and additional performance-based incentives for Pepco. Anjali Patel, Attorney with the DC Office of People’s Counsel (OPC) added perspectives on the Pepco proposal, OPC’s work to analyze the application on behalf of District consumers, and the schedule for PSC review, including opportunities for public comments. (9/19)
The Commission:
- Developed, adopted and implemented the annual budget for ANC3B. (The budget for FY2019, ending September 30, 2019, was adopted in October 2018. The budget for FY2020, ending September 30, 2020, was adopted October 2019.)
- Re-elected officers including Chairman Brian Turmail and Vice Chairman Jackie Blumenthal to continue serving from January through December 31, 2019. (1/19)
- Voted to pay $25 to participate in the ANC Security Fund which insures the ANC against any unauthorized expenditures or loss of funds during the year. (1/19)
- Approved ANC3B financial reports each month as well as quarterly reports as required, posted the quarterly reports on the ANC3B website and submitted them to the DC Office of ANCs.
Individual Commissioners attended training classes offered by the District to provide information needed for ANCs to carry out their responsibilities, including rules and regulations governing ANC Chairmen and Treasurers, DC Zoning laws; Alcohol and Beverage Administration regulations, and the update process for the DC Comprehensive Plan. Several Commissioners also participated in the roundtable on ANC operations in Ward 3, convened by Councilmember Robert White September 25 at UDC.
This Annual Report was approved by the Commission by a vote of 5-0 at a duly-noticed public meeting on November 14, 2019, at which a quorum was present. (Three of the five Commissioners constitute a quorum.)
(all elected to a 2-year term in November 2018)
Brian Turmail (ANC3B05), Chairman (ANC3B05)
Jackie Blumenthal (ANC3B02), Vice Chairman
Mary Young (ANC3B04), Treasurer
Ann Mladinov (ANC3B01), Secretary
Melissa Lane (ANC3B03), responsible for Communications and Media