2024 Letters and Resolutions
Resolution Regarding WMATA’s Proposed FY25 Cuts in Bus and Metro Service (March 2024)
Resolution in Support of Continued and Increased Funding for Glover Park Village (March 2024)
Letter of Support for Glover Park Day (April 2024)
Resolution Addressing ANC 3B’s concerns Regarding the Initiative Amendment Act of 2023 (any initiated measure is to be evaluated for its fiscal implications prior to becoming effective) (April 2024)
Letter to Chairman Mendelson and Members of Council Expressing Concerns Regarding the Mayor’s Proposed Cuts to Early Childhood Education (April 2024)
Letter to WMATA Expressing Concerns About Better Bus Network Proposals and their Potential Negative Impacts on Glover Park, Cathedral Heights and Wesley Heights (May 2024)
Follow-Up Letter to WMATA Expressing Further Concerns About Better Bus Network Proposals and their Potential Negative Impacts on Glover Park, Cathedral Heights and Wesley Heights (July 2024)
Letter to the DC Department of Environment Supporting Glover House Request for an Exception to Construction House to Allow Overnight Paving (September 2024)
Resolution Supporting Washington Gas and Lights’ request to Allow Construction Work to run from 7 am to 5 pm on weekdays in the Area of Glover Park Where Gas Lines are being replaced (September 2024)
Resolution on DDOT Proposed Rules for Steateries Asking to Life Rush Hour Restrictions on Wisconsin Avenue in Commercial Areas and Addressing the Costs of Having a Streatery. (November 2024)
2023 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to BZA Supporting Planned Unit Development Package for 2001 Wisconsin Avenue NW and 3300 Whitehaven Street NW (ZC #86-04B) (December 2023)
Resolution Requesting Additional Analysis by DDOT Regarding Their Intention to Install Three Speed Humps in the 4000 Block of Davis Place NW (December 2023)
Resolution Supporting DDOT’s Proposal to Install a Micromobility Corral on the 3700 Block of Fulton Street, NW (November 2023)
Resolution in Opposition to Washington Gas PROJECTpipes (November 2023)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception for 2639 41st Street NW (October 2023)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception for 2236 40th Street NW (October 2023)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception for 2610 41st Street NW (September 2023)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception for 2606 41st Street NW (September 2023)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception for 2315-2323 40th Place NW (August 2023)
Resolution re ABCA Emergency Cannabis Rulemaking (6/23)
Letter to Randy Clark, General Manager, WMATA, on Better Bus Visionary Plan (5/23)
Letter to Chairman Mendelson for Support of Additional Cost for Stoddert Expansion (5/23)
Notice to BZA Supporting Application for Special Exception at 2232 39th Street NW (4/23)
Resolution in Support of Lights Out DC (3/23)
Letter of Support for Glover Park Day 2023 (3/23)
ANC Security Fund Agreement for CY 2023 (2/23)
2022 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to Council opposing B22-433 to change RPP Parking Zones from wards to ANCs (11/22)
Letter Supporting Application for Special Exception for Addition at 2646 39th Street NW (11/22)
Resolution to Protest Renewal of Good Guys Alcoholic Beverage License (10/22)
Letter Supporting Application for Special Exception for Addition at 2500 41st Street (10/22)
Letter to DDOT on Notice of Intent #22-243 Multimodal Facility and Safety Improvements on New Mexico Avenue and Tunlaw Road North of Calvert Street (bike lanes, parking, and pedestrian safety) (10/22)
Resolution to DDOT Supporting New Parking Passes for Teachers at Stoddert Elementary School (9/22)
Letter of Support for Rocklands’ Request to Have Entertainment for Glover Park Art All Night (9/22)
Letter to BZA Supporting Special Exception for Addition at 2504 41st Street NW (9/22)
Letter Opposing Location of Ward 3 Medical Marijuana Dispensary at 2216 Wisconsin Avenue NW (8/22)
Letter Opposing Location of Ward 3 Medical Marijuana Dispensary at 2232 Wisconsin Avenue NW (7/22)
Letter to DDOT on Traffic Safety Investigation (TSI) Requests for Traffic Calming and Speed Humps (7/22)
Letter to DC Department of Parks and Recreation in Support of Glover Park Day 2022 (5/22)
Letter to DC Council supporting Neighborhood Voices Map for Ward 3 Redistricting (4/22)
Letter to BZA supporting Special Exception to add 2 units to 4-unit building at 4103 Davis Place NW (4/22)
Letter to Ward 3 Redistricting Task Force about adjusting proposed boundaries of ANC3B (3/22)
Letter to BZA supporting Special Exception for Replacement of 2 Antennas on Roof at 2121 Wisconsin Avenue NW (3/22)
Letter to WMATA about Metrobus services in FY2023 budget (2/22)
Resolution supporting funds in DC FY2023 budget for renovations at Hardy Middle School (2/22)
Letter to BZA supporting Special Exception to add 2 units to 4-unit building at 2217 40th Street NW (2/22)
ANC Report Form 129 Supporting Special Exception for 3900 Edmunds Street NW (2/22)
Letter to BZA supporting Special Exception for rear deck addition at 2309 38th Street NW (1/22)
Letter to DDOT urging repainting of pre-existing bike lanes and related pavement markings on Tunlaw and 37th Street NW since roadway resurfacing (1/22)
2021 Letters and Resolutions
Resolution supporting Zoning Variance for construction of residential flats at 2405 37th Street (12/21)
Resolution supporting a Stipulated License for DeCarlo’s Restaurant at 4000 Cathedral Avenue (12/21)
Resolution RE DDOT’s proposals for bicycle lanes and additional traffic safety improvements on the New Mexico/Tunlaw/37th Street corridor through ANC 3B (11/21)
Resolution Supporting Stipulated License for Laliguras at 2332 Wisconsin Avenue (10/21)
Resolution supporting Settlement Agreement with Laliguras at 2332 Wisconsin Avenue (9/21)
Letter to WMATA on Metrobus services affecting ANC 3B (9/21)
Letter to DSLBD supporting Clean Solutions to continue as the Clean Team in Glover Park commercial area (9/21)
Resolution supporting amended Settlement Agreement with Breadsoda at 2233 Wisconsin Avenue (6/21)
Letter to DDOT recommending improvements for future Slow Street programs (5/21)
Letter to BZA supporting Special Exception for additi0n at 2131 Observatory Place (5/21)
Letter to DDOT about updating DC Long-Range Transportation Plan “MoveDC 2021” (2/21)
2020 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to WMATA opposing proposed extension of reduced Metrobus services through June 30, 2021 (10/20)
Letter to DC Public Service Commission on Proposed Pepco Multi-Year Rate Plan (7/20)
Letter to DDOT Supporting Proposed Traffic Signal at Wisconsin Avenue and Fulton Street (7/20)
Letter to DC Council Regarding Funding for Stoddert School in Proposed FY2021 Education Budget (6/20)
Resolution to Waive Bylaw Provision Requiring ANC3B Public Meetings To Be Conducted In-Person (to go into effect when DC law provides for “virtual” ANC meetings) (3/20)
Letter to WMATA Board Opposing Proposed Metrobus Changes Affecting ANC3B (2/20)
Letter to DC Office of Planning with Final Comments on Draft Amendments to DC Comprehensive Plan (2/20)
Attachment A: Other Points on Priority Issues in the Comprehensive Plan (2/20)
2019 Letters and Resolutions
Resolution Supporting Stipulated License for Dumplings and Beyond at 2400 Wisconsin Avenue (11/19)
Letter to DDOT Regarding Bike and Scooter Programs (10/19)
Letter to DC Council Opposing B23-0318 Decriminalizing Institutions of Sex Trade (10/19)
Letter to DDOT Regarding Final Recommendations in Livability Study Rock Creek Far West (9/19)
Letter to the Mayor and DC Council Regarding Agreement for Maret Use of Jelleff Playing Field (9/19)
Resolution Regarding Glover Park Hotel Plans for Roof Deck (9/19)
Letter to DC Council Regarding Proposed Bill B23-180 On-Site Services Act (7/19)
Letter to Zoning Commission Regarding Proposed Text Amendment on Voluntary Design Review (7/19)
Letter to DC Office of Zoning Supporting Request for Variance at 2103 Huidekoper Place NW (7/19)
Letter to DC Office of Zoning Supporting Request for Variance at 3764 Benton Street NW (6/19)
Letter to DC Council Regarding School Funding and Other Issues (5/19)
Letter to DPR in Support of Shredding-Recycling Day at Guy Mason April 27 (3/19)
Letter to DPR in Support of Glover Park Day June 1, 2019 (3/19)
2018 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to Councilmember Mary Cheh Regarding Small Cell Technology (11/18)
Letter to DDOT Regarding Proposed Design Guidelines for Small Cell Technology (10/18)
Resolution Regarding Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018 (10/18)
Letter of Support for Renewing Glover Park Clean Team for another year (7/18)
Letter of Support for Glover Park Day on rain date September 15 (6/18)
Resolution Regarding Application for Zoning Variance and Special Exception at 4017 Davis Place NW (6/18)
Resolution Regarding Request to Amend Settlement Agreement with Good Guys (6/18) [Settlement Agreement]
Resolution Regarding 2340 Wisconsin Avenue NW Public Space Permit #299146 (4/18)
Letter of Support for Glover Park Day 2018 (4/18)
Resolution Supporting Implementation of Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results (NEAR) Act (3/18)
Resolution Regarding DC Comprehensive Plan Update (3/18)
Letter Requesting Further Discount on Rent DGS Charges Community Foodworks for Glover Park-Burleith Farmers Market to Use Hardy Middle School Parking Lot (3/18)
Resolution Regarding the Leaf Blower Regulation Act (B22-0234) (2/18)
Resolution Opposing Proposed Merger between Washington Gas and AltaGas (1/18)
2017 Letters and Resolutions
Resolution Regarding Improved Pedestrian Safety at Tunlaw Road and Davis Place NW (10/17)
Resolution Requesting Stop Signs on Cathedral Avenue NW (7/17)
Letter to Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Regarding Draft Opinion on ANC Ethics (7/17)
Resolution Regarding DC Circulator Plan to Eliminate Service on Wisconsin Avenue (6/17)
Letter to Council Supporting Including Funds for Clean Teams in District FY 2018 Budget (4/17)
Letter Endorsing Permit for Glover Park Day (4/17)
Letter Supporting Friends of Guy Mason Springfest at Guy Mason Recreation Center (4/17)
Letter to WMATA opposing proposed elimination of 37 bus route in FY2018 budget (2/17)
2016 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to DC Council December 8 urging rejection of new revised ANC Omnibus Amendment Act (12/16)
Resolution in Support of Revised Settlement Agreement with Mason Inn (12/16)
Resolution in Protest of Renewing Liquor License for Mason Inn without Revised Settlement Agreement (11/16)
Letter to DC Council November 10 supporting four proposed tenant protection bills (approved 12/16)
Resolution in Support of Operating the Fillmore Arts Center Beyond the Current School Year (10/16)
Resolution Regarding Revising DC Council Bill B21-0826 Draft Statehood Constitution (10/16)
Resolution Regarding Revised Settlement Agreement with Good Guys (10/16)
Resolution Regarding Settlement Agreement with Rite Aid on its Application for Class A Liquor License (6/16)
Resolution Regarding Homeward DC Omnibus Legislation (3/16)
Resolution in Support of Restoring Funding for Fillmore Arts Center (3/16)
Letter Supporting Special Exception for Rear Deck Addition at 3836 Beecher Street NW (1/16)
2015 Letters and Resolutions
Letter Opposing Non-Unanimous Settlement Agreement in Pepco-Exelon Case before the DC PSC (12/15)
Motion to Recommend 5-Year Extension of Glover Park Moratorium on Liquor Licenses, removing restrictions on liquor licenses for restaurants while continuing to prevent new licenses for taverns, nightclubs, and full-service liquor stores (11/15)
Resolution Regarding Live Events at Mad Fox and Amendment to Settlement Agreement (11/15)
Resolution Regarding Embassy Church Public Space Application #113460 (11/15)
Resolution Recommending Homeless Men’s Emergency Hypothermia Shelter West of Rock Creek Park (11/15)
Resolution to Restore Parking during Morning Rush Hours on Northbound Wisconsin Avenue (9/15)
Letter from Chairman Supporting Community Efforts to Decrease Airplane Noise (9/15)
Resolution Supporting Community Efforts to Decrease Airplane Noise (9/15)
Resolution Regarding Proposed Cuts to WMATA’s D1 and N3 Bus Lines (9/15)
Resolution Regarding ABRA Application by Savoy Suites Hotel (7/15)
Resolution Regarding DDOT Proposed Bike Route on Tunlaw and 37th Street (7/15)
Resolution Regarding Pedestrian and Vehicular Safety at Wisconsin Avenue and Garfield Street (7/15)
Resolution Regarding DDOT Proposal for New Electronic Sign Regulations (7/15)
Letter Supporting Removal of Ginkgo Tree at 2239 39th Place (7/15)
Letter Supporting Re-Nomination of Sandra Mattavous-Frye as People’s Counsel (6/15)
Resolution Opposing Drastic Cuts to 2015-2016 Funding for Wilson High School (4/15)
Resolution Congratulating Glover Park United Football Club (4/15)
Letter to DC PSC opposing latest Pepco-Exelon acquisition proposal (4/15)
Letter to BZA Supporting Rear Deck Addition at 2131 Observatory Place (4/15)
Letter to Anita Bonds Regarding ANC Grant-Making Authority (3/15)
Letter to DC Parks and Recreation Regarding 2015 Glover Park Day (2/15)
Resolution Opposing Cuts to D1, D2, and N3 Bus Service (2/15)
Resolution Opposing Proposed Pepco-Exelon Acquisition (2/15)
2014 Letters and Resolutions
Letter to DC Council Chair Supporting Stand-Alone Education Committee (12/14)
Resolution Requesting Removal of No Left Turn at Southbound Wisconsin Ave. and Calvert Sts. NW (10/14)
Resolution Supporting Removal of Curb Cut at 3527 W. Pl. NW (10/14)
Resolution Supporting Tree Protections in DC Zoning Regulations (9/14)
Resolution Supporting Parking Accommodations for Stoddert Elementary Teachers and Administrators (7/14)
Resolution Supporting Stoddert Elementary and By-Right Neighborhood Schools (5/14)
Resolution Supporting Demountable Classrooms at Stoddert Elementary (4/14)
Letter to DC Water Regarding Proposed Green Infrastructure Project (4/14)
2013 Resolutions
Resolution Opposing Good Guys Liquor License Renewal (11/13)
Resolution Opposing JP’s Nude Dancing Liquor License Renewal (7/13)
Resolution Opposing JP’s Substantial Change (7/13)
Resolution Regarding Making 35th St. Two-Way at the Intersection of Wisconsin Ave. (6/13)
Resolution Supporting Sunday Hours for Guy Mason Community Recreation Center (6/13)
Resolution to Preserve and Protect Dumbarton Oaks Park (5/13)
Resolution Supporting Proposed Update of DC Zoning Code (2/13)
2012 Resolutions
Resolution in Support of Expanding DC Public Library Hours (12/12)
Resolution in Response to Alcohol Beverage Control Board Decision on JPs Ownership Transfer (10/12)
Resolution Recommending Changes in Alcohol Beverage Control Board Omnibus Legislation (10/12)
Resolution Regarding Installation of Additional Capitol Bikeshare Stations in Ward 3 (10/12)
Resolution Requesting a Public ABRA Hearing Regarding the Ownership of JP’s Liquor License (9/12)
Resolution Opposing Mayor’s Proposal to Expand Liquor Service Hours in Glover Park (4/12)
Resolution Calling on DC Council to Enact Comprehensive Rent Control Reform (4/12)
Resolution Eliminating Class B Liquor Licenses from the Glover Park Liquor License Moratorium (3/12)
Resolution Modifying the Glover Park Liquor License Moratorium for Class CR Licenses(2/12)
Resolution in Favor of Bus Shelter at Wisconsin Ave. and Fulton St. NW (2/12)
2011 Resolutions
Resolution Requesting Reversal of N2 Bus Route Changes 12/11
Resolution Opposing Cuts in Glover Park’s D1 and D2 Bus Service (9/11)
Resolution Opposing Elimination of N8 Bus (2/11)
Resolution Supporting Renaming of the Stoddert Rec Center to the Glover Park Community Center (3/11)
Resolution in Support of New Mexico Avenue Bicycle Lanes (2/11)