Police Report. Lt. Johnson reported 11 crimes in ANC 3B in the past 30 days including 6 thefts from auto (4 of which were tires stolen off cars), 3 thefts, 1 burglary (Pearson’s on 9/23), and 1 sex abuse (case closed with an arrest). The next community walk will be in Cathedral Heights on October 23rd at 6:30 pm starting at 38th Street and Garfield Street, NW.
Vote regarding liquor license and operating hours for Bonjon Rumi, a new Afghan restaurant at 2444 Wisconsin (formerly Mario’s). In September, the owner requested ANC approval for their license application. The ANC tabled a decision pending outreach to near neighbors regarding the proposed closing times of 1 am (weeknights) and 2 am (weekends) for the roof deck. ANC 3B and Bonjon Rumi have negotiated a settlement agreement to reduce the roof deck closing hours to midnight weekdays and weekends and prohibit music outside. Commissioner Blumenthal proposed a motion to approve the liquor license application and the settlement agreement with Bonjon Rumi. It was seconded and passed 6-0.
Grant request from Hardy School. Troy Kravitz and Anna Johnson from the Hardy PTO presented a grant requestfor $2,210 to support hosting a GeoPlunge and History Plunge tournament at Hardy for teams from all five of the elementary schools that feed into Hardy Middle School. Besides being new learning tools, these events will allow kids in elementary school who are transitioning into Middle School the following fall to begin to become familiar with their new school Per the request of the Office of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, the grant will be split into two equal payments with one in January 2025 for organizing and advertising the event and one in May 2025 for the actual event. A motion was made to approve the grant. It was seconded and passed 6-0.
Discussion of resolution regarding the proposed Bottle Deposit Law. Anne DeBuys gave an overview of soon-to-be introduced legislation designed to reduce litter and landfill waste, increase recycling rates and help lower income communities. More information is available at www.3rcfordc.org. Commissioner Lane said that ANC 3B had several questions so will table discussion of a resolution until next month and follow-up with Anne.
Update. All ANC seats will be on the November ballot. Currently there are no challengers for any seat so unless there is a successful write-in campaign, the following people will serve during the 2025-26 terms of ANC3B: 3B01 Kevin Lavezzo; 3B02 Brian Turmail; 3B03 Melissa Lane; 3B04 No Candidate; 3B05 Gupi Howie; 3B06 S. Robert Rodriguez
MOCRS Update. Hope Cousins from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations said that leaf collection starts on October 28th and to contact her at Hope.cousin1@dc.gov with any questions or concerns. Crews will make two full passes in each area. Detailed information is available at dpw.dc.gov/leaf.