- Police Report. Lt. Johnson reported 18 property crimes in ANC 3B in the past 30 days: 9 thefts and 9 thefts from auto. Theft from auto included all four tires stolen on a car on Tunlaw Road. Extra patrols are being added to the area to combat thefts. Lt. Johnson reminded people that holiday season is upon us which often means an increase in package thefts. One way to secure packages from Amazon is to have them sent to the Amazon lockers at 2D Headquarters.
- New DDOT rules regarding streateries. Commissioner Blumenthal introduced a discussion of streateries in Glover Park. Currently, Glover Park has one in operation at Rocklands. DDOT is proposing that streateries, which were implemented during the pandemic to help restaurants survive by having outdoor eating spaces, become a permanent program and have a proposed a complicated set of regulations. Rocklands, who would like to keep their streatery, and Glover Park Main Street have asked ANC 3B with help in navigating the new regulations. They include the stipulation that streateries are banned from roads that have rush hour parking restrictions which includes Wisconsin Avenue from Georgetown through Friendship Heights. Commissioner Blumenthal presented a resolution that proposes to lift the rush hour parking restriction on Wisconsin Avenue in commercial areas or at minimum, grandfather those streateries that already exist. The resolution also asked DDOT to address the proposed new costs for having a streatery. DDOT will be holding a hearing on the new regulations before the Public Service Commission on December 3rd. The resolution was seconded and approved 6-0.
- Special exception zoning request for 3544 W Place. Paul Brand, the property owner, made a request for a special exception for relief from Zoning Section D-207.4 for a proposed two-story rear addition. D-207.4 states that a rear wall cannot extend more than 10 feet past an adjoining neighbor’s residence. The proposed addition would exceed the 10-foot maximum on one side by 4 feet (the proposed addition is 14 feet long and is in compliance with D-207.4 with regard to the other adjoining neighbor’s residence). Mr. Brand presented letters from his adjacent neighbors supporting his request. A motion was made to support his request for a special exception. It was seconded and passed 6-0.
- The election results are in for the ANC (no seats were opposed) and as of January 2025, the members will be as follows: 3B01 Kevin Lavezzo; 3B02 Brian Turmail; 3B03 Melissa Lane; 3B04 Richard Pollock; 3B05 Gupi Howie; 3B06 S. Robert Rodriguez.
- The updated final plan for the Better Bus Network has been released. Highlights for the ANC 3B area are a) N2 bus route on Cathedral Avenue has been restored but the N6 route will be eliminated and b) the D2 bus route that currently loops from Glover Park to DuPont Circle will be replaced with 2 bus lines that retain service through interior Glover Park. Both the new D96 (Bethesda-Dupont-beyond) and C85 (Chevy Chase-Tenleytown-MacArthur High School) will run on inbound/outbound tracks through Glover Park. Details for the current plan are at https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/plans/Better-Bus/upload/Bus-Stop-Consolidation_2025-Better-Bus-Network.pdf.
- Ashlee Mercer from Councilmember Frumin’s office said that his next Public Safety Forum will be on Wednesday, November 20, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. All participants must register to attend at: https://bit.ly/w3pubsafety. Calendar invitations will be shared upon registration. For questions or more information, email office@mattfruminward3.com or call our office at (202) 724-8062.
- Kendell Gibson and Owen Cox introduced themselves as the new Ward 3 MOCRS managers. Their contact information is Kendall.gibson1@dc.gov, 202-341-7706 and William.Cox@dc.gov – 202-340-7853