Police Report. Lt Johnson said there were 11 crimes in the past month including five thefts from auto, 5 general thefts and 1 motor vehicle theft. He explained the new moped laws that are now in effect. All mopeds even if its engine is below 50 cc’s must be registered with a tag, be insured and the operator must have a valid driver’s license. If the bike is 51 cc’s or higher, operators must have a motorcycle endorsement on their license and the vehicle must be insured and registered and is subject to taxation. Finally, there is a community walk schedule for June 20 in Cleveland Park starting at Cathedral Commons at 6:30 pm.
Old Business
Better Bus Network Comment Period Open Until July 15. Commissioner Blumenthal gave a brief description of the impact the new bus line proposals would have on the ANC3B area and how to file a comment with WMATA. The proposal changes the name of the D2 to D96, eliminates all stops inside Glover Park (stops only on Tunlaw and 37th), runs only on a 20-30 minute frequency, but it does go to the Dupont Metro. Go to betterbus.wmata.com for proposed route maps. Comment at betterbus.wmata.com/share before July 15. To comment via a survey being circulated by ANC3D on behalf of 3A and 3B regarding proposed bus routes that connect us all, go to https://tinyurl.com/dcbetterbus and click on the tab for the bus route you use. The compiled results will be delivered to WMATA by ANC3D. Comment period ends 7/15. On Tuesday, Jun 18th, there is an in person pop-up meeting with WMATA staff about the better bus proposals at the Friendship Heights metro station from 7-10 am if people would like to discuss the proposals directly with WMATA.
New Business
Stoddert School Construction Plans and Effect on Neighborhood. Chris Jenkins, DCPS Project Coordinator and Patrick Rush, Senior Project Manager for the construction company, presented an overview of plans to expand classroom space, cafeteria space and outside play areas. Construction is expected to start June 18 for eastside construction of 10 classrooms. Staging and preparation of the site is currently underway. P. Rush apologized to the community that preliminary work had started without erecting a security fence around the area. All work has stopped pending installation of a 6-foot chain link fence around the construction area. Plans for the renovation can be accessed at https://sites.google.com/dc.gov/dcps-facilities/modernizations/stoddert-es-addition. The site work for the east side construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of April 2025. The certificate of occupancy should be issued by June 2025 with use of the new space available in August 2025. Construction of a new cafeteria on the west side of the building is scheduled for 2025. It will be 6,847 square feet and have a capabity of 531. Site work complete by end of April. Contact information for Chris Jenkins is 202-657-1385 (cell) and e-mail at Christopher-Evan.Jenkins@k12.dc.gov
Updates And Information
- Roadway repair of Wisconsin Avenue between Observatory Place and Whitehaven Avenue will occur June 13-July 26 causing lane closures and parking restrictions at times. The construction area will run from the Whole Foods down south to Whitehaven.
- Candidates for seats on ANC3B in November’s election should be aware that the petition process for getting on the ballot occurs in August. Details should be available at: https://www.dcboe.org/candidates/anc-advisory-neighborhood-commissioners.
Open Forum
- Matthew Barclay, Ward 3 representative from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS) aid a new class of MOCRS reps may be on board in July so it may be his last ANC 3B meeting, but he is available if people would like to contact him. Registration for DC after school programs started on June 6 for the 2024-25 academic year. More information on programs and registration materials is available at dcps.dc.gov/asp. Also, the DC Department of Employment Services has a high school internship summer program for students betwenn14 and 21. More information is available at does.dc.gov/service/high-school-internship-program.
- Ashlee Mercer, Constituent Services Director for Ward 3 Councilmember Matt Frumin, said the next “Workday in the Ward” is scheduled for Thursday, June 27th from 8-2 pm starting at the Glover Park Grill. Also, CM Frumin’s latest newsletter with budget updates will be issued shortly. Commissioner Howie asked if funding for Jelleff Boys and Girls Club was included in the budget. Commissioner Blumenthal confirmed that it is. A. Mercer confirmed that CM Frumin is in contact with WMATA about preserving bus service to Glover Park, Cathedral Heights and Wesley Heights.