Police Report. Lt Johnson reported that the statistics for the past 30 days show 17 property crimes and no violent crimes. In total, there were 4 thefts from auto, 11 thefts from retail stores such as CVS and 2 stolen bikes. He also said that because of the new laws requiring scooters and mopeds to be registered and licensed, MPD has increased enforcement including in Glover Park.
Old Business
Better Bus Network Comment Period Open Until July 15. Commissioner Blumenthal reminded everyone that the deadline to submit comments about the proposed changes to the bus network in Glover Park, Cathedral Heights and Wesley Heights is July 15. To submit comments electronically, go to betterbus.wmata.com/share. Commissioner Blumenthal also reported that at a virtual meeting hosted by Councilmember Frumin with WMATA on July 9, WMATA officials said that the proposed changes to the routes on Cathedral Avenue were an error, but they did not share specific details. Commissioner Bergmann gave an overview of a proposed letter from ANC 3B to WMATA opposing the changes to the N, D and 30s bus routes and schedules in the 3B area. The letter was approved unanimously.
New Business
Presentation by Amitie Enterprises regarding its application to become an internet-only cannabis retailer located in Glover Park at 2176 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 100 (the southwest corner of Wisconsin and W Place). Jennifer Smith, Business Operations Advisory, showed a series of slides (available on the ANC 3B website) outlining Amitie’s mission and business plan. Co-founded by Maya Gray and Khadijah Tribble, Amitie Enterprises is a health and wellness company utilizing medical cannabis to promote self-care and wellness. No patients or caregivers would receive service at the business location. It is strictly a supply facility for delivery service. Delivery hours would be between 10 am and 3 pm with a final delivery at 7 pm. Their application also includes a thorough security plan which meets all the requirements from the DC Alcohol, Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA). The business location is due to be placarded around July 12 and will close 45 days later, i.e., late August. Commissioner Blumenthal does not feel that 3B can vote on this operation without community input. Because the deadline will be before ANC 3B’s September meeting (ANCs traditionally do not meet in August), the Commissioners agreed that we would hold a special meeting in August to take a vote after receiving community comment. An August date will be scheduled and announced in the next couple of weeks.
Grant request from the Glover Park Citizens’ Association in partnership with the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club to support major trail work on the Whitehaven Trail in Glover Park. Alex Sanders, DC Manager for the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, outlined a grant request submitted jointly with the Glover Park Citizens Association. The request for $2,200 is to purchase material, lumber and rebar to rehab the Whitehaven Trail. A motion was made to approve the grant. It was seconded and approved 5-0.
Liquor License Application for Maharaja, House of Biryani. Since ANC 3B will hold a special meeting in August, discussion of this issue and a vote will be tabled until then.
Updates And Information
- Commissioner Blumenthal announced the Office of Peoples Counsel has rejected Washington Gas and Lights proposal for Project Pipes III. Earlier in the year, ANC 3B as well as other ANCs voted not to support the WGL proposal and sent a letter to the OPC stating the concerns.
- Hope Cousins introduced herself as the new Manager for the Ward 3 Team of the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS). She said that Matthew Barclay is still part of the Ward 3 team but that the office and undergone a re-organization adding a management level to each of the Ward teams.
- Candidates for seats on ANC3B in November’s election should be aware that the petition process for getting on the ballot occurs in August. Details should be available at: https://www.dcboe.org/candidates/anc-advisory-neighborhood-commissioners.
Open Forum
- No issues raised.
Administrative Matters
- The June minutes and transcript were presented for a vote and approved unanimously.
- Commissioner Lavezzo presented the financial reports for May and June. The beginning and ending balance in May was $31,723.47. In June, the beginning balance was $31,923.47. After 3 deposits from the DC government, the ending balance was $43,679.10.
- Commissioner Lavezzo is working with the Office of ANC on the third quarter report which is due August 15th. He will present the third quarter report at the August meeting and ask for a vote.