- MPD Lt. Johnson reported an uptick in thefts. In the past 30 days, three thefts from auto and eleven retail thefts were reported. Additionally, 1 automobile and 2 scooters were taken. A violent crime was reported at DeCarlo’s at the Westchester. An altercation between 2 of restaurant employees resulted in a stabbing. A stabbing also happened on a metro bus around Wisconsin Avenue and 34th Street because of an argument between two people riding the bus. The perpetrator was not caught at the time.
- Eddie Mansius from the Grosvenor Group along with Lawrence Ferris from Goulston & Stores and Laurence Caudle from Hickok Cole reported on the renovation of their building at 3300 Whitehaven (the edge of Dumbarton Park across from Glover House). This is the second phase of the project, the first being to build a below-grade gymnasium for the British International School of Washington. For phase 2, they plan to convert the unused office building into 276 residential units as well as add expansion space for the British School. Although the project is in Ward 2 and ANC 2E, it abuts ANC 3B in the middle of Whitehaven Street. The plan also includes a transportation review which is currently under development and will be submitted to DDOT for approval when complete. Finally, Mr. Mansius talked about the public benefits package that is being put together which includes contributions to various groups in both ANC 3B and ANC 2E such as local schools, the Mount Zion Union Band Society and Glover Park Main Street. ANC 3B deferred the vote on the public benefits package until next month to incorporate Stoddert Elementary, which would be the in-boundary school for the new residential building.
- Sean Moore, Communications Manager for Lead Free DC, described how residents can benefit from the DC program to replace old, unsafe lead water pipes. Lead Free DC seeks to remove all lead service lines from the city. ANC 3B is scheduled for lead service line replacement this fiscal year. Details on this plan may be found on the ANC 3B web site at https://anc3b.org/wp-content/uploads/ANC3B-110923-LeadFreeDC-Presentation.pdf
- A resolution passed supporting the location of a Bike Micromobility Corral on the south side of Fulton St. immediately west of Wisconsin Avenue. DDOT has issued a Notification of Intent (NOI) and the deadline for comments is 11/28. A corollary issue is congestion on the corner of Fulton and Wisconsin. ANC 3B will ask DDOT to investigate removing three additional parking spaces to relieve the congestion.
- Four new Capital Bike docks have been installed in and around ANC 3B. The locations are 39th St & Tunlaw Rd NW (ANC 3B), Wisconsin Ave & Upton St NW (ANC 3A), New Mexico & Cathedral Ave NW (ANC 3B) and Massachusetts & Idaho Ave NW (ANC 3A).
- A resolution was passed regarding Washington Gas’s plans to replace all underground natural gas pipelines. ANC 3B opposed funding phase 3 of Washington Gas’ PROJECTpipes and urges the Public Service Commission to require Washington Gas to revise its plan to focus on remediation of leaking infrastructure, rather than wholesale replacement of all gas pipelines, and to scale new investments to match the city’s energy and climate goals.