Police Report. Captain Darren Haskins gave the police report. In the past 30-day period, there was one robbery and 3 stolen autos. Thefts from auto were down 42 percent from the same 30-day period last year. The number of thefts was 17 over the past 30-day period, down from 30 last year. Many of them are retail thefts, e.g., CVS. MPD is working with retail establishments to carry out abatement operations. To lessen package thefts, he encouraged people to use some kind of locker system. For example, Amazon lockers are available at Whole Foods. He also encouraged people to secure their garages as there has been an uptick in bicycle thefts from residences. An arrest was made of an individual who is suspected to have been involved in many of the robberies this year. Commissioner Carroll asked about vehicle theft investigations. Captain Haskins said there had been a recent arrest but not too much progress had been made to date.
Old Business:
Zoning Variance Request, 2232 40th St. Commissioner Howie recapped that last month this agenda item was discussed at the April meeting and that the applicant had not been able to get in touch with the homeowner of 2228 40th Street, the adjacent property to 2232. The ANC asked the applicant and counsel to continue their efforts and the vote was tabled until this month. Marty Sullivan, counsel for the applicant, said that formal notification was sent to the owner of 2228 since the past meeting and that Mr. Railan had seen Ms. Leftwich recently and thought she would be attending the ANC meeting. Commissioner Blumenthal asked if the owner of 2228 was in attendance on the zoom call but got no response. Commissioner Howie said that since the applicant had done their due diligence that the ANC would vote on the variance request for 2232. A motion was made to approve the special exception to increase the number of units and provide relief from the parking screening requirement; it was seconded and passed 6-0.
New Business:
WMATA Better Bus Network. Commissioner Blumenthal said WMATA was putting out a call for comments on their second version of the “Better Bus Redesign” plan. Glover Park and Cathedral Heights residents participated strongly in the first round in support of keeping the D2 bus line running into Glover Park proper and the N buses running through Cathedral Heights. It is not clear when the second comment period will end. In case it ends before the June ANC 3B meeting, Commissioner Blumenthal introduced a letter to WMATA that reiterates neighborhood support for the D2 line, especially stops within the neighborhood which are not included in the new plan, as well as criticism of changes to the N line buses and 30s buses. The resolution points out several problems for the Glover Park and Cathedral Heights neighborhoods with the proposed redesign of the bus network. She stressed that all residents need to submit comments to WMATA. A motion was made to approve the letter. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Updates and Information
- Commissioner Carroll that there is discussion in 3D about the relining of the sewer pipes by the DC Water and Sewer Authority. He will follow up to get details. Commissioner Blumenthal added that this project has been underway for at least a decade, but little progress has been made to date.
- Commissioner Howie announced that the Stoddert School Farmers Market is open every Thursday from 3:15 until about 5. Commissioner Bergmann said that Mann Elementary also has a farmers’ market that is open on Saturday mornings from 10 until noon.
Open Forum
- Matthew Barclay, Ward 3 representative from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS), gave updates including that it is Small Business Week as well as budget season. One of the emphases of the Mayor’s FY 25 budget is Main Streets and Clean Teams. Commissioner Howie asked about details for the budget to fully fund MacArthur High School. He said he did not know but would fund out the details and let her know.