- Bert Meekins, project designer, and Michael Cross, architect, from the R. Michael Cross Design Group presented plans for their project at 3929 Fulton St., NW. The property is a four unit building and is being converted into a two-unit building. The parking requirement for a two-unit building is 1 off street parking space. Their design calls for two off street spaces but because of where the lot is, these spaces would have to be accessed from Watson Place. They are working with DDOT to get approval of a curb-cut off Watson Place. If DDOT does not approve the curb cut, they will ask BZA for relief from the off-street parking requirement since installing a curb cut on Fulton is not possible. Although the application for a curb cut has been submitted, DDOT has not notified ANC 3B soliciting input. Once that happens, ANC 3B can formally vote on the request and submit to DDOT. Commissioner Blumenthal said that Commissioner Carroll will track the project. Hopefully, DDOT notification will come before the April 11 meeting and ANC 3B will be to vote and approve the request for the curb cut at that time. The public space hearing with BZA for the project is at the end of April.
- WMATA opened a comment period in mid-February which ends Tuesday March 5 during which time people are asked to tell WMATA what they think about its plan to cut much of its service to the DMV, including the elimination of the D2 that serves Glover Park and the loss of weekend service on all the N buses that service Cathedral Heights and Wesley Heights. Commissioner Blumenthal presented a resolution opposing the WMATA cuts to the bus and metro lines. It passed unanimously.
- Pat Clark, President of Glover Park Village, gave an overview of the District’s Village programs and asked ANC 3B for support for urging the District Department on Aging and Community Life (DACL) to continue and increase its grants to Glover Park Village. The DC Villages Collaborative (DCVC) is a network of 13 nonprofit, independent, and volunteer-driven Villages across the District of Columbia. The Villages share resources, coordinate access to city-wide programs and services, and use their network of volunteers to provide critical assistance to older adults in our communities. In addition to membership fees, charitable donations, and bequests, the largest source of funding for the Villages is from grants from foundations and the DACL. Commissioner Blumenthal presented a resolution supporting continued and increased DACL funding for Glover Park Village and other Village programs. It passed unanimously.