- Lt. Johnson, Second District MPD, said there were 14 property crimes in the last 30-day period compared to 12 property crimes for the same period last year. It was driven by 8 thefts from auto, 4 of which were from cars with unlocked doors. Only one was because of a stolen airbag. Also, MPD made an arrest for the two break-ins to Georgetown Valet. The person arrested was connected to 7 other break-ins as well. In Second District news, Commander Bedlion has moved to the DC Department of Homeland Security and Commander John Branch will be the new commander at 2D. He is most recently the commander of 7D and has been a member of MPD for 30 years.
- Commissioner Lane presented a draft letter of support from ANC 3B for Glover Park Day, the annual neighborhood festival sponsored by the Glover Park Citizens’ Association, Friends of Guy Mason and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation. The event, the 32nd, will be on June 3rd at Guy Mason Recreation Center. The letter was approved unanimously.
- Commissioner Lavezzo presented a letter of support for Lights Out DC. This voluntary event brings attention to the issue of light pollution. Residents and businesses are asked to turn off non-essential lights from 8:30 pm-9:30 on Saturday, March 25th. This year is the first one in which D.C. will participate in the event. The letter was approved unanimously.
- Commissioner Howie gave an update on the Stoddert school expansion design. The School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting in February was cancelled because of the sudden death of Mark McCann, a first-grade teacher at Stoddert. A memorial service will be held for Mr. McCann in mid-March. Another update is that $300 thousand was cut from the Stoddert budget for 2024. To make up for the shortfall, Principal Rivas was able to secure three grants so that there will not be any staff layoffs.
- Christopher Lucas, Alyce McFarland, and Nicole McEntee from the D.C. Office of the Tenant Advocate gave a presentation on their office’s work. OTA provides legal and technical advice and services to tenants to resolve landlord disputes and provides outreach and education to renters about their rights and rental housing laws and regulation. Detailed information is available at OTA website (https://ota.dc.gov).
- Victoria Zuckerman, a resident on Cathedral Avenue, spoke about the continuing problem of deteriorating crosswalks on her street. Commissioner Blumenthal will send contact information for DDOT Ward 3 representatives to help address the issue. She also introduced Commissioner Carroll who is the ANC commissioner for Victoria’s area.