- Lt Paul Johnson, MPD 2D, reported on recent crimes in the area, including the robbery at the station at Wisconsin and Calvert, by a man with a shotgun. That case is still open. The ACE Hardware store in Glover Park also had a break-in the previous month. Lt. Johnson said that extra patrols had been assigned to Wisconsin Avenue from Friendship Heights to Georgetown. Asked about the explosion that was heard in the general vicinity of 39th and Tunlaw around 1 am March 3, he said it was an underground utility explosion in Maryland.
- Dale Brown and Karen Zuckerstein spoke about the proposal to include funds in next year’s District budget for a study of the feasibility of a Senior Wellness Center in Ward 3. Seniors living in Ward 3 have a variety of wellness activities including at Iona Senior Center, St. Alban’s, and Guy Mason Recreation Center, but Ward 2 and Ward 3 do not have a designated senior center at a fixed location. The presenters discussed potential benefits of a wellness center for seniors in Ward 3 and expressed hope that ANC3B would support the proposed funding for a feasibility study, as other ANCs had done.
- Matt Wexler spoke about the zoning application to add a roof top restaurant at the Glover Park Hotel (2505 Wisconsin Ave, NW). The project requires two zoning variances. BZA has scheduled a hearing on the application on May 11. Mr. Wexler said the hotel had reached agreement with the neighbors in Massachusetts Avenue Heights, and a letter of support for the proposal from the ANC to the BZA would also be helpful. The Commissioners asked for comments and plan to take a vote on the proposal at the April ANC3B public meeting.
- Nexstar Media Group has applied to the Board of Zoning Adjustment to replace two roof-mounted antennas on the 4-story office and retail building at 2121 Wisconsin Avenue. A hearing is scheduled on April 27. They require a zoning Special Exception because the two antennas exceed the 12’ maximum height and one setback is less than required. The antennas are needed to ensure high quality transmission of WDCW-TV broadcasts. With no objection, the Commission voted to support the zoning application.
- The owner of 4103 Davis Place NW has applied to for a Special Exception to add two residential units and a roof deck to an existing 4-unit apartment. The BZA has scheduled a hearing on May 4. The owner reported that the project has the support of the 2 tenants at the connected building at 4101 Davis Place, and he committed to providing letters of support from other close neighbors. The ANC plans to vote on application at the April public meeting.
- ABRA agreed to extend the expiration date of the Glover Park liquor license moratorium for 90 days to allow for public comments on renewing the current prohibition against new licenses for taverns and nightclubs in the Glover Park commercial area. The ANC opened a 30-day comment period to hear community feedback on whether to continue the moratorium and plans to vote on the matter at the ANC 3B public meeting in April.
- At the February meeting, the ANC heard a presentation by architect Stephen DuPont, Jr., about asking the DC Zoning Commission to change the zoning of the two lots at 2405 37th Street and surrounding properties from the current R-3 to RF-1 zoning. Mr. DuPont has proposed a design for three row structures on those lots, each with two principal units of comparable size, and that project would be allowed in the RF-1 zone without zoning approval. The ANC supported the application for variances to allow construction of the flats but after the first hearing in December 2021, the property owners concluded it would be difficult to get zoning approval in that case, so they are exploring other options for completing their project. Several neighbors expressed concerns about having their properties included in the area covered by the proposed rezoning. Mr. DuPont said his clients are amenable to reducing the number of lots included in the request but said it might not be possible to get approval to rezone just the property at 2405 37th Street. The Commissioners asked Mr. DuPont to develop additional details of his proposal while the ANC gathers more comments from the community.
- On March 8, the Ward 3 Redistricting Task Force voted on a preliminary set of ANC boundaries to recommend to the DC Council to accommodate 2020 Census population data. The task force proposal would have expanded ANC3B west of Glover Archbold Park, including parts of Foxhall Village and Wesley Heights/Sutton Place. The Commissioners voted to send a letter to the task force expressing concerns about that plan and recommending a series of changes in the task force’s proposed ANC3B boundaries. In the week after the ANC3B meeting, the task force withdrew its proposed boundaries and offered a different map, adopting some recommendations of a coalition of neighborhood groups but still splitting several neighborhoods, calling for expanding ANC3B to 7 members, and changing the boundaries for each Commissioner’s Single Member Districts in Glover Park. Both the task force and the neighborhood coalition plan to take their proposed map to the DC Council for hearings before the Council takes a final vote on ANC and SMD boundaries in June.
- The 2020 Visitor Parking Passes (VPP) have been extended through November 25, 2022.
Next meeting: April 14th