- Police Report. Lt Paul Johnson reported 15 crimes in the past 30-day period (1/8-2/7), unchanged from the same period last year. An assault with a deadly weapon happened in the 3900 block of Davis Place. It was an incident between two friends and closed with an arrest. One robbery occurred in the 2400 block of 37th Street at the Glover Park Market. The perpetrator was arrested and charged with that crime as well as others at the same Market, the nearby gas station and others in Georgetown. Lt. Johnson said the perpetrator will be held until his trial. The other crimes during this period were 3 thefts from auto, 4 auto thefts, and 6 general thefts. A question was asked about a carjacking on January 13 at Idaho and Cathedral Avenue. It was not in the PSA 204 statistics because it happened in PSA 205. Captain Darren Haskins said that the case is still open and that when more information becomes available, he will contact Commissioner Blumenthal so that she can relay the update.
- Cannabis License for Elevated Lounge at 2428 Wisconsin Avenue, NW. Commissioner Blumenthal announced that the cannabis dispensary in Glover Park will be applying to the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration to become a licensed cannabis retailer. ANC 3B will be taking up the issue and soliciting community input at a future meeting when ABCA posts the notice of application.
- ANC 3B Grant Money Availability. Commissioner Blumenthal said that ANC 3B does not use its funding for administrative staff support but rather holds it for community grants. Those interested in applying for a grant should consult the ANC 3B grant guidelines at anc3b.org and contact their commissioner.
- WMATA Funding. Commissioner Blumenthal said that the Mayor and Council have announced that they will increase the DC share of WMATA costs thus mitigating some of the drastic cuts proposed to bus routes. Stay tuned. It is unclear what the impact will be on Glover Park and Cathedral Heights bus transportation at this point.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 14, 2024