- Lt. Paul Johnson reported no violent crimes in the ANC area in the past 4 weeks, and 15 property crimes, compared 10 for the same period last year. Thefts from autos accounted for 9 of the crimes.
- Abi Paulsen from the Hardy School PTO asked the Commission to support its request to include capital improvements to Hardy Middle School in the DCPS budget. Enrollment has increased sharply, leaving many facilities inadequate and in need of renovation, including the cafeteria and field. The resolution was approved.
- Damian Popkin with the DCPS Community Action Team spoke about the planned addition to Stoddert Elementary School. Specific plans have not been developed but funds for Stoddert were included in the DCPS Capital Budget last summer and Mr. Popkin said he expected plans and timelines would be developed by the end of 2022 with the addition ready for the 2024-25 school year.
- The Glover Park Liquor License Moratorium was expiring on February 10. Since ABRA did not inform the ANC that the expiration date was approaching until a few days in advance, the Commission adopted a resolution asking ABRA to extend the moratorium for 90 days so the ANC can gather input from the community. The current moratorium only bars new taverns or nightclubs that do not have to serve food. After getting public comments, ANC 3B plans to take a vote in April on whether to ask ABRA to extend the moratorium.
- Under a new ruling by DCRA, projects to add new residential units to buildings in RA-1 zone must get a Special Exception from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Two applicants asked the ANC for support to add a third story and additional units at two-story 4-unit apartment houses in West Glover Park:
- Bloom Development is asking the BZA to approve construction of a third story with penthouse and roof deck addition and add 3 units at the existing building at 3900 Edmunds Street. ANC 3B voted to support their request.
- At 2217 40th Place NW, the owners are asking BZA for approval to construct a third story with roof deck addition and two additional residential units on an existing semi-detached, two-story 4-unit apartment house in the RA-1 Zone. ANC 3B voted to support their request.
- Architect Stephen duPont, Jr., presented a proposal to ask the Zoning Commission to several lots on 37th Street from R-3 to RF-1 to allow construction of 3 three-story attached structures on the two lots at 2405 37th Street, each containing two residential flats. The owners applied to the BZA for zoning variances for the project, which the ANC voted to support, but the Office of Zoning and BZA indicated that the project would have difficulty meeting the standards for a variance because the current zoning discourages residential flats. The ANC announced a month-long comment period to seek public input before the next ANC meeting on March 10.
- The Commission voted to send a letter to WMATA highlighting the need for improved service on the D2 Metrobus route, continuing the N2, N4, and N6 and the 30 lines on Wisconsin Avenue, and revisiting the cancellation of the 30N and 30S cross-town Metrobus service.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 10th via Zoom