Police Report. Lt. Johnson gave the crime statistics for the past 30 days. The number of reported crimes in 3B was 10 this month, up from 9 last month. One was a barricade situation at 3905 Davis Place which ended peacefully with an arrest and charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. An ADW (assault with a deadly weapon) was also closed with an arrest. Other crimes included 1 theft from auto, 3 motor vehicle thefts (all scooters) and the remainder were thefts from stores. Lt. Johnson said that MPD has increased patrols to combat motor vehicle thefts. Asked about the skimmer that was just found at the Georgetown Safeway, he said that crime was still under investigation and that other skimmers had also been found in retail stores in the area of late.
Zoning Variance Request, 3929 Fulton St. The one-family property is being redesigned to accommodate two families, which triggers a zoning issue about parking and a potential curb cut. A vote on this variance was postponed from March. A representative was not available to discuss this issue. Since an update was not available, this issue was deferred to a future meeting.
Zoning Variance Request, 2232 40th St. Similar to the plan for 2236 40th Street, this renovation is to increase the units from 4 to 6 units and to move the entrance for the second floor to the side of the building. The plans were presented and discussed by David Bloom (architect), Marty Sullivan (attorney) and the son of the owner, Vishall Railin. The owner has tried repeatedly to contact the owner of 2228 40th Street to get their approval but has been unsuccessful in locating the owner. Since the zoning hearing is on May 22nd, a vote on the variance request was deferred until May to give the owner of the property more time to locate the closest neighbor.
Grant Request: Glover Park Day. Cheri Meyer, co-Chair of Glover Park Day, presented a grant request for $2500 to offset the costs of tables, chairs and stage rental for Glover Park Day on June 1. A motion was made and seconded to approve the grant and it passed 5-0. Commissioner Lane is also a co-chair of Glover Park Day and recused from the discussion and vote.
Letter of Support for Glover Park Day Permit. Commissioner Lane presented a letter of support from ANC 3B to the DC Department of Parks and Recreation for Glover Park Day. This annual event has been held every year since the nineties at the Guy Mason Recreation Center. A motion was made, seconded, and passed 6-0.
Resolution regarding the Initiative Amendment Act of 2023. Commissioner Lavezzo discussed this bill. It seeks to amend the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 to ensure that voter initiatives do not influence the appropriation or allocation of funds. According to the bill, any initiated measure is to be evaluated for its fiscal implications prior to becoming effective. The concern is that any appropriations review could be used to stifle the people’s voice by using cost to block referenda that win public support. A motion was made and seconded to approve a resolution outlining ANC 3B’s concerns to the D.C. Council. It passed 6-0.
Letter to Mendelson and Members of Council Expressing Concerns Regarding the Mayor’s proposed cuts to Early Childhood Education. Commissioner Bergmann discussed the mayor’s proposal to cut $300 million in funding for Office of State Superintendent of Education (OSEE)’s Division of Early Learning. The proposed cut will significantly reduce funding for universal Pre-K and eliminate funding for the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund. A motion was made and seconded to send a letter outlining ANC 3B’s concerns to the DC Council Chair and members. It passed 6-0.