- Lt Paul Johnson reported that the number of crimes in the last 30-day period was lower than it was for the same period last year: 9 compared to 16. All 9 were property crimes. Four were thefts from auto all involving work trucks. The other five were thefts, mostly of scooters that were locked. Commissioner Blumenthal asked if the vandalism was included in the stats because of continuing problems on the commercial strip with broken windows. Lt Johnson confirmed they are not and asked for the address and any video of the incidents. Commissioner Blumenthal said it was 2200 Wisconsin Avenue. Commissioner Lane will check if there if any video available. Lt. Johnson will ask the new 2D commander, John Branch, to attend the next ANC 3B meeting.
- Ashley Wells and Stanislaw Mathieu gave a presentation on the DC Smart Street Lighting Project. The goal of the project is to convert the over 70 thousand streetlights in DC to LED technology which, among other benefits, is environmentally friendly. Wards 2, 3 and 4 are in phase 2 of the conversion. Phase 1 started in the second quarter of the FY. All phases should be complete by May 2024. Within each phase, the wards are broken into sections. Each section takes about 14 days to convert the lights. More information is available at the website, streetlights.dc.gov.
- Emir Gur-Ravantab gave a presentation on the DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection which became its own agency in October 2022. Formerly, this function was part of the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. The overall goal of DLCP is to protect the business interests of DC residents and businesses through licensing and regulation and to enforce DC’s general consumer protection law called the Consumer Protection Procedures Act. The four divisions of the DLCP are business licensing, consumer protection, occupational and professional licensing, and the small business resource center. More detailed information is available at dlcp.dc.gov. Commissioner Blumenthal asked if pop-up cannabis businesses require licenses. Mr. Gur-Ravantab said that the issue is tricky but that the newly named Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (formerly Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration) has jurisdiction over these businesses.
- Commissioner Howie introduced Eric Teran, the architect for proposed renovation of 2322 39th Street, NW. Leif Dormsjo, the homeowner, was also introduced. Mr. Teran said that their zoning application asked for three special exceptions. The first is for a lot occupancy of 69.73 percent rather than the required 60 percent limit. The second is for rear yard setback. The requirement is for 20 feet; the homeowner is asking for 16 feet. The third exception is the distance to the adjacent neighbor. They are asking to extend two feet past the allowed matter-of-right of ten feet. Mr. Teran shared letters of support from nearby neighbors including those in the adjacent properties. Given that there is no opposition from immediate neighbors, Commissioner Blumenthal proposed a motion to approve the request for special exceptions. It passed unanimously.
- Commissioner Howie gave an update on DCPS. Stoddert’s principal is leaving at the end of the academic year. Construction on the proposed Foxhall Elementary School has been delayed from 2025 to 2029. Boundary discussions have begun but no details are available yet. Commissioner Howie is attending the boundary meetings.
- Commissioner Bergmann asked Matthew Barclay, Ward 3 MOCRS, to arrange for someone from DCPS to attend an upcoming ANC 3B meeting since there are so many DCPS related issues in our ANC currently including school funding to Stoddert, the new high school, boundary issues, etc.
- Elias Benda, legislative assistant to Councilmember Frumin, said that the DCPS budget is in front of Council now and his office is working with Ward 3 school communities to address their issues.